Is this the most kino horror game ever made?

Is this the most kino horror game ever made?

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It's good, but too long for its own good.

just like my dick

No. It's an Outlast ripoff. Also, it has a female protagonist, which is code for SJW agitprop.

How is it in any way like Outlast? Unlike Outlast, you can kill the androids, humans and fuck up the xeno with your flamethrower and molotovs. Also, the main character of the film its based on is a female.

You've never played either, only seen screenshots.

Spoopy and alien-pilled.

Attached: 20200717081553_1.jpg (1920x1080, 146.33K)

Great story
Very long for the type of game it is.
Loved blackout aswell.

Attached: Alien Isolation 10.14.2014 - (1920x900, 2.76M)

>hide and seek walking simulator with jumpscares garbage #93732
>Alien Isolation
>have guns, bombs, molotovs, melee weapons, distraction throwables
>different ways to fight enemies
>actual combat
>different ways to distract or fight the xeno
>hurr they’re the same

yes, even if some people don't like the gameplay or think it's too long, you can't argue against the god tier aesthetic and how immersive / suspenseful it is

>How is it in any way like Outlast?
Running and hiding. Outlast came up with the concept as an enhanced version of Slenderman's survival mechanics which it pioneered. There is not a single thing that feels original or creative in Alien Isolation at all. It really does feel like a poor man's Outlast clone, and vastly inferior at that.

Why the hell did she have to die? She was easily the second hottest character after Amanda Ripley.

Which mod between these two is the best at fixing the alien behaviour to make it less annoying?

or this

>female protag
so just like the movies, you fucking autist

>horror game
pick one

By your logic Outlast is nothing but an Amnesia clone. And no, you don’t only hide and seek in Alien Isolation. You have to fight and kill Working Joes and humans and also fight off the Xeno.

How about both.
Go ahead
Try and say RE4 is not a horror game.

Attached: Resident Evil 4 - Broken Butterful REload Animation (HD)_2.webm (1080x608, 2.53M)

The 70's was a turning point for cinema, and for the worst. The elimination of the Hayes Code + Civil Rights from the prior decade poisoned the well. Putting commie shit in movies (niggers, spics, fags, and lead female characters) led to the SJW apocalypse of today, and it can all be traced back to that period. Don't play coy, anons. You know what I'm talking about.
>"HURR DURR, bUt Itz LiEk da mOoBiEs, DERP!"
Get that pinko shit out of here. It was never okay back then, and it's not okay now. Women belong in the kitchen AND in the bed for fucking, not for them to fuck with us.

Attached: zed323.jpg (744x732, 208.05K)

>>horror game
...are you fucking with me? Sweet Home and the original Alone in the Dark say hello.

Women have been the lead in movies since way before the 70’s user. Judy Garland was the lead of The Wizard of Oz in 1939.

He's probably mad because the smg got cut.

Actually gonna play the game for the "second" time tonight. What's the best way to enjoy it? Killing things or going for a "pacifist" run? Also running after all collectibles? I am bugged about these things and trying to get everything in one run, but for this game it's a lot of take in.

Women's rights
trans rights
black lives matter
jews did nothing wrong

Attached: conservitard.jpg (480x360, 24.24K)

>defenseless vulnerable woman trying to survive at any cost
literally the opposite of SJW bullshit

>Judy Garland was the lead of The Wizard of Oz in 1939.
Nope. The main cast of characters (Dorothy, Scarecrow, Lion, and Tin Man) were arguably one collective protagonist that represented the aspects of Jungian Psychology + served as an audience proxy. You're fucking retarded if you think a dipshit like Dorothy Gail was a so-called "hero" in any way. She's as stale as cardboard.

Take your meds, schizo.

you forgot Toto, you ass.

if you have no way to fight back then you have infinitely less options in gameplay and you dont feel like anything matters, just run lol!

>isn't the lead
take your meds schizo

Attached: Wizard_of_oz_movie_poster.jpg (1399x2093, 544.93K)

alien isolation is horror, but re4 is not horror lol more like panic simulator at times

Is nightmare mode worth playing? I've been thinking about it but the lack of a map fucks me up

Attached: Alien Princess.jpg (458x529, 69.13K)

Doesn't nightmare only unlock once you've already beaten the game once? If so then why would you ever need a map?

Oh go be a faggot elsewhere.
>This isn't """""""""""""scary"""""""""""
>That means its not horror
You have no idea what horror is and your simpleton mind is not welcome.

Nah, it's available from the start, but the last time i beaten the game was over 3 years ago, i don't remember shit

I started shooting my way through almost every group of hostile survivors I came across my second time through, and while the game definitely isnt designed around that play style as much, I had a lot of fun doing it. Half the time you only have to fire off a single shot before the Xeno shows up and tears everyone apart for you, which is always cool to watch.

Good source of free loot too. The game is geared more towards sneaking around enemies with several different ways to distract them, or ghost them altogether, but if you feel like popping a cap in a raider's ass, the only real punishment for it is attracting unwanted attention from the xeno or other nearby hostiles. Normal androids are easy to deal with if you have EMP mines or the shock baton because you can stun them and then beat them to death with the maintenance jack even on hard. You're better off avoiding groups of them until you get the bolt gun though. Especially the industrial ones.

this game is godly in VR, especially if you're a big fan of the alien franchise like I am. the environments are more faithful to the originals than any other game or even movie sequel that i've ever seen. it's so nice to see a team that cares about recreating a world instead of just doing their own generic thing, again this includes the movies; and being able to walk around it all in vr makes the experience even better.

RE4 is an action game with a horror theme. I dunno why 4fags get so assblasted when this is pointed out because I don't think that's inherently a bad thing.

>too long
meme response

Thanks! I will start a new playtrough on Hard tonight, I will improvise and do what I can to survive. Played once, but just dropped the game (was more focused on trying to find every data log and stuff and not focused on the game). It's gonna be a great horror game for october!

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