Does anybody else think its kind of kind of cool that you can play grand theft auto on your smart-phone...

Does anybody else think its kind of kind of cool that you can play grand theft auto on your smart-phone? This is the kind of stuff as a kid I always thought was impossible.

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you could play gta on psp which was way cooler dude

You can play Sonic Colors on your phone dude, these things are evolving

I beat GTA 3 on my phone years ago and it sucked. Some of those missions were tricky and touch controls made it much worse.

I should really pick up the psp ones again.

Give me one reason you are not using your phone as the ultimate portable handle gaming device. These things are on pace to outclass modern consoles

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I need a better phone. I cant run gamecube games on mine. How is ps2 emulation on mobile?

There are no ps2 emulations on the phones

Not doable as of yet, technology is there but a competent developer is missing, whereas gamecube and wii emulation are pretty much stable and getting better by the day

I think its so cool that we can play console games on phones. Maybe im just easily impressed but its like theres a tiny universe in our hands

not doable? completely untrue - there are a few emulators on the playstore that run a good bit of PS2 games

There's damonPs2 which works, but its not that great and it uses stolen code from some other ps2 pc emulator.

apple's comfortableness with the billions they make has held them back from ever worrying about developing a first party controller. Simply no need. The API has been in use since iOS 7, third parties use it. alas.

hook up mouse and keyboard, or ps4 DualShock, or xbox controller, or joycons, or switch controller, or

touchscreen controls make it garbage.

The most famous android ps2 emu is just stolen code from the pc version and riddled with chinese spywhere, and the games also run abysmally

gta? i can run super mario sunshine at 1.5 resolution, 60fps and at 21:9 lol


You can play GTA on your gameboy color, you dumb underage twat.

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touchscreen controls? lol the hell you talking about

cool. still "doable"

why would anyone use a keyboard.mouse with a phone. at that point, might as well use a laptop for portability

Rpgs plays completely fine on touchscreen inputs.
Source: went through the whole FF ps1 triology without issue. Playing in bed snuggled up in my blanket made it for a cozy experience

I listed 5 other controllers you stupid spic fuck

the same reason your dumbass posts on Zig Forums. their / you're retarded.

>playing anything on a fucking smartphone with shitty touchscreen controls
Fuck you, no.
Yes, let me carry a fucking controller around with my fucking smartphone and have to awkwardly put my phone down somewhere to hold my fucking controller with. Idiots.
Was there some fucking event that made everyone on this planet dumb sometime in the last 20 or so years and I missed it?

yea lemme just prop up my my phone screen on some gay stand , put it on a table, and sit 1 foot away with a controller like a retard.

I only use my phone for work.
Too old for that shit, I leave it to the kids to play with a small display and a touchscreen.

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Where the fuck did you download the isos you motherfucker?

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try this

It's been possible for quite some time now.

there are controllers that basically turn your phone into a smaller, more powerful switch. stop whining faggots.

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