I was part of a research mission, studying anomalies caused by the convergence of our two universes. Our craft became caught in some vortex, the pilot lost control.
I was part of a research mission, studying anomalies caused by the convergence of our two universes...
Ryu got fat.
Why did you had to remind me this exist.
In an alternate universe MvC4 exist and is glorious.
He's just bulking man
Why was Ryu with a scientist team in the first place?
He was studying anomalies caused by the convergence of our two universes
because the game was garbage
Which game?
since it is ryu i would guess he wanted to know more about how crossing over universes work because they provide him with more interesting battles.
Just because he's a hobo doesn't mean he can't be a scientist.
don't worry about it
Fat men are the best.
What were they thinking?
Being on a research team doesn't mean you are a researcher. There's tons of horror movies where someone on the team is the muscle. Ryu is pretty much the ultimate muscle to have on a team.
The only good thing to come out of this game. Shame it pissed off the MH team so much that she'll never return if we ever get MvC4.
citation requested, I thought she was great.
Everyone knows that Professor Ryu was one of the greatest minds of their time Megaman
making her talk was a mistake
Hulk was also on the team you dumbass. Having Ryu is literally worthless
That's Dr. Ryu to you.
What about MH pissed off the devs?
Was it smart Hulk? Banner is a weak pussy.
wait did ryu the karate man say this
I don't have the source, but it pissed off the MH devs because they didn't want a generic hunter to represent the series. It's probably the reason why Smash got Rathalos as a boss instead of a guest character.
Easy on the burgers, Ryu!
Ryu was an average fighter, but a BRILLIANT scientist.
Uh no, that claims comes from years earlier, UMVC3 era.
No, this was more recent. I know the story you're talking about.
If Ken can be a scientist by 2010, Ryu can too
kek I thought Ryu had giant hanging tits for a moment there