
FUCK preytor and FUCK preytorfags

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Zorgulon or bust

Agamo chads rising up (literally)

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My most vivid memory of this game was
>accidentally hook wrong enemy to me
>accidentally toss him at the enemy I was trying to hook
>accidentally cause both of them to fall into a chasm
Fun times.


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>Agamo 2nd skin

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wasn't his final costume a literal vagina or am i just remembering things



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>hook enemy while holding a fuel truck
>40%+ health gone in one hit

>toss agamo head and send monster flying
>they try to grab it and throw it back
>detonate it in their hand and send them flying again

this game is so satisfying

for me it's kineticlops

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Heh, nothing personnel kid

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>he didn't main Robo-47
>he didn't nuke niggas into oblivion

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I would play this game all the time with my brother and we would just fly around as the dragon and destroy all the buildings. Once everything was destroyed we'd reset and do it again. So comfy.

>you will never be electrocuted and turn into a giant electric cyclops monster

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>be me underage wannabe completionist
>have all other monsters and skins
>what the fuck does that mean
>look it up the internet
>have to go FUCKING GAMESTOP and buy twisted metal black, of the series i was never exposed to previously
>probably the first m rated game I played
>find out i supposedly have to beat it to get the skin or some shit
>couldn't get past the first few levels because i was like 6
>give up
>13 years later, the skin is immediately available at the start when i bought the digital PS4 port thus making it the least valuable unlock in the game
thank you for reading my blog

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Man, his alts sucked. Three are recolors and one is a penis.

I believe you only needed a TMBlack save file on your PS2 to unlock it.

based fellow kinetichads
What the actual FUCK was his fourth costume supposed to be though

I remember getting filtered by the last boss. I had to rent this shit from the video store like 4 times before I managed to beat him.

yeah, he got the short end between him and Raptros. his poor light attacks had next to no range but his heavy attacks with his backpack doc-oc arms were really good. I actually like his 4th costume.

>tfw it didn't work for me

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A fish man? Creature from the Black Lagoon homage?

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>attempting to fly into the ufo on the tokyo stage

A kool kappa

Actually i looked it up the game's wiki which apparently exists that states it was supposedly a scrapped playable character

>apparently exists
Don't underestimate wiki autism user, have you heard of the iCarly wiki?

have a dead spiritual successor
maybe its reused asset sequel wont die instantly

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If you're talking about the one with dedicated pages for shippings with literally enough text to fill entire bibles then yea unfortunately

>main menu screen was a 1950s drive in movie theater

Those are some bland/milquestoast as fuck designs.