ITT: Great games that sadly didn't get a sequel

ITT: Great games that sadly didn't get a sequel

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I didn't like the way the thread started

What's wrong with it?

op is a massive faggot
max payne 2 and 3 were both kino

2 probably if it wasn't for the godawful escort levels
As far as I know that game doesn't exist

2 was kino, 3 was dehydrated piss.

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>Escort missions
I only remember the one with Vinny.

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Dante's Inferno

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TimeSplitters Future Perfect

Also the one where you have to protect Max playing as Mona

Replayed 3 recently and the story is much worse than I remember, but that gameplay is golden.

Probably one of the best third person shooters ever made in that regard.

Somehow the escort missions in 2 didn't suck, which is an amazing feature.

>The smell of hot pockets filled the board like a nickel-store whore wearing too much cheap perfume. The janitor had pulled the trigger. 3 days in the hole, no get out of jail free card. Little did he know, this cat had 9 lives, and just as many IPs. Our little dance would continue under the pale moonlight, he'd never catch me. The funniest thing, that scumbag wasn't even earning a dime.

>The foul stench was like a poison in the air. The joint was packed with dragon dildos and microwave pizza leftovers. Underneath the desk were sticky socks and transparent glass bottles filled to the brim with yellow liquid, and it wasn't pineapple juice. The decaying John Doe lying on the bed hadn't left the room for an eternity. Where the hell was I? Only one letter. V. It sure wasn't for victory.

>The front page was a bottomless void of flavor of the week banality and predictable mediocrity. Pathological gamblers helplessly rolling for dubs, occult freaks worshipping cartoonish frogs and 2D hookers with hearts of digital gold... I couldn't escape v's eternal faggotry. Soon I would reach page 15 and be trapped in 404 limbo. I was in a Max Payne thread.

Vinny missions were great.

I hate this thread and everyone involved

Having such taste... oofu.

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Yeah yeah yeah, lets pretend 2 and 3 didn't came out and weren't pretty good.

Is this game actually worth playing? It is anything like the story or is it just name alone?

Am I doing it right?

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No because that game sucked ass and its sequels were miles better.

Not exactly like the book, but have many similarities. Imo worth play


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>max payne
>tons of fucking excruciating storyshit
>dumb fucking awkward gameplay
>every fucking two steps you make you have to do the stupid gamebreaking slowdown gimmick or get fucking destroyed
God, modern "gamers" don't know anything about what makes games good.


Your post doesn't make any fucking sense, go back.

What even is your point?


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>The future of gaming
If only

Gothic 3 was better than Oblivion so there's that

>retards unironically like 1's scripted as fuck enemy placement
1 is fucking garbage.

You seem to have made a mistake in your post! Zig Forums doesn't actually have an upvote system a site like reddit does, so quoting a post without any text just makes you look like a newcomer. You don't have to thank me, just looking out for new members on 4channel!

Yo, the first unreal with bots was the bomb when I was a kid. Story mode, not so much.

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based retard

>TESfag posting simpsons reaction pic


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3 had the worst gameplay. Very slow movement speed, typical sluggish rockstar animations and controls, weapon limit and cover system.




Gameplay in 3 sucks donkey balls.
Console fucks only woke up to the garbage movement meachanics in Rockstar titles after RDR2.
But the very same problems were there since MP3.

>and controls
was you playing the console or PC version user?