PS3, Vita and PSP games are no longer purchasable by the end of the month

>Sony plans to launch a new PlayStation Store on the web and mobile later this month, which will remove the ability for you to purchase content for legacy consoles such as the PlayStation 3, PS Vita, and PSP. PlayStation 4 apps, themes, and avatars will also no longer be available through the web and mobile storefronts once the changes roll out, while content from your existing wishlist will be removed.

Wow what a pro consumer move Sony! 4 THE GAMERS!!!!

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piratechads win again

Wait, can you still download the games you fucking bought?

so? you can still buy games on the consoles themselves, with the exception of the psp, but on psp you can still download all the games you purchased

Didn't the psp and vita already have their store removed from the console and you had to use the web versions?

and you can buy games through the consoles themselves, just not through the app or website

just wait for RPCS3 to be fully stable
just hack your Vita
just hack your PSP

What games? These have nogaems.

I haven't owned a playstation platform in years, but can you still buy and play PS1 games on the PS4 like you could on the PS3, PSP, and VIta?


PS3 store is molasses and crashes half the time thats why people started using web in the first place.

All digital furure bros.

I could never buy the games through the console itself because it was coded so poorly, it always rejected the format of the credit card.

>No link
umm hmm

You cant

Can't use Google it seems.

I warned you about digital games, bro. I told you, dog.


>just wait for RPCS3 to be fully stable
So never?

Drakengard 3.

rip pkgj

Freedom Wars
Freedom wars
PS1 games

all gone, it looks like modern sony really doesnt give a shit about anything before the ps4.

kek what a pile of shit. sony is so fucking archaic

Sony also put devs under NDA to not reveal this until it's too late to prevent panic. Guess it's over then...

Attached: HvDouM9.png (485x277, 36.17K)

pure trash

Freedom Wars is shit, I don't know why you listed it twice.

Glad I'm not a Soneygger.


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Surprisingly polite comments here. I remember similar threads about Nintendo who did the same, and countless anti-N posts in those threads.
>"kek @Nincels, I can still buy a PSP game"
But I guess it's ok when Sony does it.

>PS4 avatars will also be removed


Attached: 8gC5QOk.png (595x487, 88.45K)

is there anything worth buying that can only be accessed through the website? the only hidden thing I can think of right now is the Warhawk DLC maps to use on the custom servers

Reading comprehension is not your friend

Jesus Christ, give it a rest. It kinda sucks but it's not like this is something that's out of the ordinary, Nintendo did the same shit with the Wii and the Wii U and 3DS online stores are beginning to shut down. I do have to hand it to Xchads though, Microsoft still leaving 360 online after all these years is a based move. Still, like I said, this shit doesn't really matter especially for PSP/Vita which are literally THE hackers console

Sony could literally remove the ability to buy ALL PS games and hardware digitally and physically except for the PS5 and the response would be "why would you want old games anyway?" PlayStation fanboys are the literal worst fans I've ever encountered

ok so that means we can pirate.
Anything they dont sell becomes abandonware.

then you better hope for PC ports otherwise you dumb peasants will be buying the same games every gen.