So...... powerful......... #MicrosoftWINS
So...... powerful......... #MicrosoftWINS
Other urls found in this thread:
bigot sandwiches
whos the one on the left
that gow trailer is so fucking stupid
tfw senua is now treated as a powerful wamen when she can barely even face her own fears, let alone hurt another human
powerful, wow. Microsoft is truly the future
>white male
>black female
an actual rare pairing in popular media
gears of war 5 trailer, idk her name cause I dont play shitty games
What's with all the screaming niggers lately?
i think the state of decay girl is cute
based ms
Please tell me that this isn't real.
stop baiting dude
it's tiresome
george floyd
cops killed a black guy couple months back
westcucks on suicide watch
What would happen if MS tried for once to have a cute, attractive girl as a main character?
hyperrealism makes everything awful
Trying to portray women as men is the problem here, not 'hyper realism'
thanks, found it
that's not the issue
monke is the only based thing to come out of it all
stfu faggot racist
Go back, nigger.
go back to pol bitch racist
This isn't reddit you stupid faggot. Where do you think you are?
Kill yourself.
fuck off racist
That's our Microsoyft!