Explain to me the type of grown man that chooses this over something like Resident Evil or Souls

Explain to me the type of grown man that chooses this over something like Resident Evil or Souls.

Attached: super-mario.jpg (600x458, 141.62K)

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But I like all 3 of those

I play all 3 and Rockstar's games. Cope faggot

Because it's actually fun to play.

I also have the two other games.

What's the relation between Souls and Resi?

Basedboys pussyfags cumgargling little kids

I like all three get over yourself.

They're both edgy games and thus different from bing bing wahoo

It's not slow like the other 2 IPs you cited.
If i'm striving to play a 3D Mario well enough, it's at least double the APM, probably more.
Maybe you should get gud, OP

Attached: 11111111.jpg (600x549, 61.22K)

Mario is fun for all ages.

188 million views youtube.com/watch?v=VQWKFfeImHQ

Attached: Yoshi.jpg (600x800, 94.37K)

Did you start with 7 or something?

>That Brawl render of Bowser alongside the standard models

Anti-tendie detected.

moive gaem

That's what happens when journos rush their clickbait.

A well adjusted man who isn’t afraid of what others think and does not define himself on how edgy and mature his video games are in order to appear as mature to others instead of his own merit.

>Pathetic, retarded incels who love in squalor and play games inbetween masturbation session
>Questioning the maturity of others


What’s wrong with Mario user?

Attached: 74629524.jpg (500x667, 182.49K)

>mature games for mature gamers like myself
>c s lewis quotes
>for all ages
>s o y

Attached: 1571586090128.png (676x656, 153.42K)

>Playing video games past the age 19

Nope. Sony's and Microsoft's franchises dont have anywhere near this popularity.

95 million views youtube.com/watch?v=cijXcKxluZ8

Attached: zette.jpg (960x960, 124.75K)

If you were playing Demon's Souls or RE5/6 instead of Mario in the late 2000's you have shit taste in vidya.

Attached: 1595147730769.jpg (1080x920, 116.01K)

I get it user, you don't like Nintendo so you want to shitpost about it as hard as you can but can you go back to your discord and do it?

>Snoy trying to deflect

Shouldn't you be spamming Genshin Imapct threads?

Attached: GTFO.png (340x353, 133.39K)

No wonder sonyfags think Nintendofags are obsessed with Sony, all you anti-tendies do is force the narrative that they care.

>defending Nintendo

Is Xenoblade a movie game?

Snoys have been shitting up the board since PS4 died. Go create a Genshin Impact thread.

Because it's fun and I just wanna bing bing wahoo