Is this good or bad?
GameStop Announces Multi-year Strategic Partnership with Microsoft
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Are you fucking serious?
>Through this partnership, GameStop will standardize the Company’s business operations on Microsoft’s cloud solutions and hardware products to deliver rich new digital experiences to customers, creating the “ultimate gaming destination” for gamers in its vision to be the premier omni-channel customer access point for video game products.
>The partnership includes enterprise and commercial elements.
It's completely irrelevant to the end user, but that won't stop retards on Zig Forums from somehow turning the news into more platformwar faggotry.
Nope. It's 100% real.
>inb4 Xbox game boxes outnumber PlayStation and Nintendo overnight
>gamestop partners with a company that tries its hardest to kill the used games -market
Nice. Very high IQ move.
>it's another gamestop sux meme
they were the only ones with the balls to stay open during corna you fuck
This. GS is probably still going out of business soon anyway.
>Gamestop just outright bans Sony and Nintendo games
Just fucking die already
>they were the only ones with the balls
Has nothing to do with balls user if they closed for covid they would've closed for good.
Actually their stocks just boosted recently. Microsoft may have saved them.
It's not a meme. They should have closed and closed forever.
Not happening.
it is too a meme look at how many of you have hive mind, gamestop is a great store to grab used games if the clerk isnt too pushy about bullshit
Microsoft is dominating the medium now. Jesus
nintenbros.... what do we do.....
>makes games pass to kill used games market then partners with the company it is killing
What the fuck is Microsoft even doing?
Also have a PC like most of us Nintenchads do.
Nintendo already has a friendly relationship with Microsoft so there isn't much to worry about.
Based Micro
they won't even last the first year of next gen
I yolod into gamestop stock after the announcement and I'm up 20%
Sony should buy Amazon lol
Xbox still doesn't have
>Demons Souls
and many other exclusives
Fuuuuuck I should have listened to GME chads
We'll see. Microsoft have been very prudent lately with expanding the xbox ecosystem.
Microsoft finally getting off it's trillions to compete in the game market before Amazon and Tencent take off. There's no time to play with small fry like Sony.
We're cool, bro. Together we are strong.
Reggie opened the door for Phil.
Gamestop is going to become a website / game rental service.
Retail is dead.
So basically the tldr is microsoft will give them infrastructure and shit and gamestop will shill xbox.
Sounds like Sony is gonna have to focus on Walmart and Amazon selling playstations. Of course, the Walmart crowd was already Sony's main audience.
What’ll you guys do when you wake up to the news that Microsoft has acquired Nintendo for $250B?
Sony can't afford anything.
>the Walmart crowd was already Sony's main audience.
Sounds about right