How well do you think these hold up, Zig Forums? Now that BG3 is out, let's discuss the classics

How well do you think these hold up, Zig Forums? Now that BG3 is out, let's discuss the classics

BG2 had better mechanics (like your sword not snapping like a wet twig after a few swings and a more limited fog of war), but I think BG1 had more memorable companions

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BG1's dream sequences are also kino, and the main villain is better.

Both aged like dogshit

should I play the BG editions with mods or no?

No, most of the mods for the original games were just incorporated into the EE versions anyway.

I replayed them last year. I dunno, games are still great but I really like this isometric format. I doubt many young console gamers will find them fun though.

Irenicus is rather shitty antagonist but his voice acting is top notch.

I keep trying to get back into these games but BG1 is bullshit. Only certain builds are viable for an enjoyable game. You can't RP other than being a good/neutral character otherwise you get ganked by the Flaming Fist faggots that somehow can track you down no matter what you do.

BG1 has a good story, but it's pretty slow & tedious in parts

BG2 is excellent and still plays great today

Yeah, Irenicus is not great. Sarevok was much better. Cool armour and a based voice, and his plan made sense.

BG2's companion dialogue REALLY needs to be incorporated into BG1.

which classes are easy for CRPG beginner ? Are casters fun to play?

>He doesn't play Lawful Evil
Work within the bounds of the law in cities and be a dick to quest-givers and murder when you can get away with it.

But it makes sense the law would be after you for slaughtering people.

BG1 had companions with potential but were not explored fully. There's a mod called BG1NPC or something that I usually install when replaying and I remember the writing for them good enough that they were all generally in-character. Makes me wish Branwen was in BG2, she has an awesome voice set.

I think both are powered by great voice acting. Sarevok's end goal is just to murder everyone but, hey, he's Chaotic Evil. The lead up to him in the end and how he got there is great though.

Fighter / Paladin is easiest to play
Magic in BG is a ton of fun, but you need to learn the whole system before you get it

Irenicus had a better voice actor, Sarevok just sound edgy

Baldurs Gate 1&2 are the best crpgs of all time. The atmoshpere and sense of adventure are unparalleled.

In Baldur's Gate? Do NOT play a caster as your first class. Classic rookie mistake. Casters start off absolutely useless, but they're the hidden gem because they become extremely powerful by mid-game and are by far the most valuable party members.

I liked playing a monk for my latest playthrough. You won't get to use as many magical items but you become a real powerhouse.

There's so much shit you can miss because of the fog of war. It feels kind of artificial sometimes.

kingmaker surpasses bg1 in terms of sense of adventure imho due to the epic campaign scale, starting at lvl1 ending up a king fighting gods, although bg2 has better locale diversity and that feeling of doing lots of different crazy shit

It feels amazing killing a hard enemy or group of enemies after a grueling fight and looting the corpse, then going back to the inn for drinks. It feels so comfy. Although companions dying in battle and not coming back until you revive them is a feature I'm glad is gone. Nothing more frustrating than being mid-dungeon and having your mage bite the dust.

Sorcerer. They are mages that don't have to learn.

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BG 2 assuming you were a goody-two-shoes is kind of immersion killing

You ARE the +5 items

combat is shit and reading is for fags. Remake when I want them to be like bg3

>become a real powerhouse.

Only play the recent enhanced editions

I think the best thing about these games is that they actually properly made games that take your character from a level 1 nobody that can barely kill a wolf solo to an actual godlike entity. Don't think I know of a game that has more satisfying main character progression and development.

Picking a Wizard Slayer for my Fighter specialty class was a bad decision, as I found out in BG2 when magic items become a huge asset.

I keep trying to get into BG1 because I love Fallout/Arcanum/PS: Torment but it's so god damn boring.

I agree. You go from struggling with a pack of kobolds to fight Sarevok and his men.

Bruh, you managed to play Planescape and found Baldur's Gate boring? Look, I love PS, but it has more text than a novel.

Oh lawd

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Kingmaker does the same in a single game


Yeah idk, it might be because of Forgotten Realm's straight fantasy setting. Planescape is so badass in comparison.

I didn't enjoy my time with Kingmaker, between numerous bugs, boring art style and poor combat.

The enhanced editions are pure unfiltered fanfic trash but the originals hold up well other than that the clicking is a nightmare.

"Don't trust the skull"
Literally sent shivers down my spine when I read that

>Yeah, Irenicus is not great. Sarevok was much better.

I have never met anyone before who thought sarevok wasn't awful compared to irenicus. Normally it's not even a contest between the two.

What's wrong with them? They're an improvement in almost every way.

The OC donut steel characters are good now?

"Read the tattoos on my back..."

Don't sign anything.

Well, once you've become a steampunk gunslinger with a mecharachnid pet where else is there to go?