So when will SJW start to include muslim characters and give them major and good roles other than "lol just shoot these...

so when will SJW start to include muslim characters and give them major and good roles other than "lol just shoot these people for white 'Murica"?

Attached: Shaheen-Tekken-7[1].jpg (960x540, 94.19K)

Blacks are the marketable ones at the moment
My people will never be shilled by jews and you know it.

i don't know why people lie you haven't figured this out yet- they don't care about equality for everyone, or justice in any way.
Race and diversity only means black people, that's it. Arabs, asians, hispanics, none of them matter. It's black people whether you like it or not.

Blacks and LGBT characters.

>Muslim character
>Opens his jacket and blows up, killing both fighters
>ends in a draw.

Thats because all of those have something in common, civilization and history.

Would love a jihadi simulator desu

is shaheen the worst newcomer in tekken?


God he's so handsome. How come Tekken has so many hot boys?

Attached: Tekkentag2_miguel.png (360x450, 202.07K)

I think tekken's diversity of fighter is actually quite cool also a good way to get people around the world interested in the game
tho harada said arabs ended up liking chloe more than shaheen

tekken's cast is designed so that a lot of characters appeal to men and women too

wish more devs were like this

Americunts only care about blacks and trannies
Japanese at least like to shake things up and add more races of every culture

as soon as virtue-signalling support for muslims becomes topical

I don't want to play a muslim character, have you thought of that?

mashallah, I hope you have slayed many devil jinns today, brother

nobody cares about what you want you to play as, have you thought of that?

How do you want to make your game popular if you don't care about your customers and do things they don't like?

Why not, al-user? Allah is pretty based and halalpilled.

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customizable template characters

kek harada added negan just because he likes twd and ganryu because he likes him knowing he's historically the least played tekken character ever

muslims actually make pretty cool characters, especially in medieval settings. mainly because they actually have a vibrant and starkly different culture.
unfortunately devs would probably just include blank uninteresting american muslims for diversity reasons instead of actually making good shit based on middle-eastern culture.

I'd honestly like more media about islamic people because we rarely see them besides white savior cases/the baddies. Reading about the Mohammaden side of the crusades, the Turks during the European renaissance, and Palestinians during the Israeli wars was pretty fascinating, especially for all they ways that alienate them from western culture.

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that's because America doesn't know anything about middle east except Arabian Nights and Oil

they literally still think that there are no buildings or cities there, only deserts

>You will never go to war with the Sunnis to liberate some mountain tribes that share your customs, be betrayed by your decadent cousin, then slay him and thank Allah for guiding your blade

why bros...

I mean americans kind of made sure there are deserts instead of cities in the ME

I want to get butt freaked by a muslim man I want to be his "fifth wife"

Had a chance but was already dating someone and didn't want to cheat. Most likely will never happen again.

I like shaheem a lot, doesn't seem forced at all, great character design all around. His moveset is original and feels great too. I especially like the skateboard kick he does, f,f 3 I think it was.

lol based harada.


>taxes are ok
>jezya is bad >:(

And that’s a good thing

Blacks are easier to market and easier to shut down if they start questioning why their marketable stereotypes are used for profit:

sandniggers were so 2015. right now niggers and nigger trannies are in, although women will eventually get tired of playing them and move onto something else

Muslims are easily offended and will kill for the offense

>libertarian right
>"taxes are ok"