If you were in charge of Sonic Adventure 3, how would you make it? What characters would be playable...

If you were in charge of Sonic Adventure 3, how would you make it? What characters would be playable? How would be the gameplay style of each character?

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>If you were in charge of Sonic Adventure 3, how would you make it?
guns and violence and swearing
>What characters would be playable?
shadow and nobody else
>How would be the gameplay style of each character?
guns and violence and swearing

Attached: shadow the hedgehog.jpg (1280x720, 34.15K)


the smell of her boots content


Add as much rouge fanservice as possible, then just copy the first 2 games beat for beat. Nothing else is needed

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>Sonic Adventure 3

That was '06 but we both know this is just a thinly veiled excuse to dump porn despite having a dedicated board you could do this on, you fucking cunt.

do you think one day we'll discover the power of pump action SMGs in real life?

from what i've seen about the project, it started before Forces was released.
Have atleast some faith on SONIC TEAM this time as they intend not to fool around like Forces development.Instead of the SA2 Story side story modes each character goes back to the original standalone story for each character up to around 6 and a Final story.

i'd take off rouge's shoes and turn her into a giantess while she stomps everything flat barefoot

>this is just a thinly veiled excuse to dump porn
No, it wasn't. I just like to read peoples opinions.

Have the same playable characters as in Adventure 2, but have six different playstyles and execute them well.

Sonic himself is 2D sonic stages.
Shadow is 3D sonic stages.
Knuckles is 3D collectathon.
Rogue is stealth missions where you are rewarded for being patient with the camera zooming in on her big fat rack that bounces to her breathing animation.
Tails is an on rails shooter.
Eggman is a more free form shooter.

All of these modes support a new and expanded Chao Garden where your scores in the character stages gives you more resources to grow your Chao. There are also secret items and objectives in the main stages that give you special upgrades to upgrade your Chao.

SA1 style open world, but much bigger
a mix of both sa1 and 2 levels
same playable characters as all of the 3d sonic games
sa2 chao garden
online that lets you visit your friends gardens
levels designed for co-op
multiplayer letting you play the levels with a friend, kinda like playing sonic and tails in sa1 except you both have your own screens and can help eachother beat the levels

Rougecoomers why are we loosing in sonic forces? We can't let the knucklehead win

Sonic & crew in a majoras mask type setting where he has to run around solving puzzles to stop the enevitable doom of mobius via super shadow or eggmans bullshittery in a limited timeframe.. he has access to a timeshifting mechanic to try again and uncover everything faster ect.

Character segments:
Cream & Cheese
Eggman in his eggmobile
Metal Sonic

Post game has a chao garden which links up to an app on your phone which acts like a tamagotchi where you have to entertain, feed and clean it. It also interacts with your friends chaos and comes over for play dates and plays minigames together

there should have never been a sonic adventure at all. Sonic is at his best as a side scroller. The stupid anime tier plots came in with adventure.

So no, I don't think I will

And I stopped reading :)

I'd buy this guy's rouge bodypillow if I lived alone

95% of effort, crunch and budget to the chao garden
5% to the rest out of necessity

>How would you make it
Any character that isn't sonic has Metroidvania elements added to both the new adventure fields and to their own specific stages. Sonic will always focus on just speed and nothing else.
Also bring in an enhanced Chao Garden that isn't mandatory for emblemfags to deal with, purely optional replayability shit
>What characters would be playable
Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow, Rouge, Omega, Blaze, maybe Silver, and finally Cream
>How would be the gameplay style of each character
Sonic, Shadow, Blaze and Silver are all about speed, but the levels focus on their inate abilities. Sonic is purely the speedrunning delight
Tails, Knuckles, Cream, Amy and Rouge are all about exploration, with more open-ended levels than the previous four.
Amy focuses more on acrobatics with her hammer moveset, Tails is purely exploration, Knuckles and Rouge are all about finding treasure and shit
Omega is like the Mech stages of 2 and E-101 combined, with levels being fast-paced shoot-em-upsthat require more skill in locking onto and destroying targets while not being slow as balls
Final secret level is A fight against a crossover character from Capcom

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They already exist. That dun he's holding is a real gun

Sounds good. Make sure you add grab attacks where she can pick people up and either swallow them whole or crush them in her cleavage.
Add a multiplayer mode too with first person and VR support.

show proof or you're fake and gay
And also /k/ would have a word with you

But why it already exist.

Attached: Chao in space poster.png (960x960, 1.16M)

I like the idea of having different games for different characters.. heres a new spin

Rogue - Sly cooper like segments
Shadow - tony hawk pro skater segments
Tails - brainteaser/iq test segments
Knuckles & Tikal - Tower defence segments
Amy - streets of rage segment
Sonic - gay segment

You guys get it

Basically this.

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i would make shadow the hedgehog 2 and shadow the hedgehog 3 and shadow the hedgehog 4 and shadow the hedgehog 5 with room for more sequels

Attached: 367px-TSR_Shadow.png (367x599, 213.86K)

Dreamcast exclusive and no Shadow

More sally

Attached: salli.png (560x662, 258.3K)

>no shadow
go fuck yourself

Go to the bathroom and take a shit you autist.

I'd lower the amount of Boost sections by a lot, have spindash be ridiculous and fun like it was in SA1, and have a good mix of characters and gameplay but with a smaller cast like in SA2. I think four or five characters at most would be ideal, though three could also work. Not really sure who I would want in other than Sonic and Knuckles since I think Tails is better in a support role as flying is kind of busted and I don't want him in a robot again.

The main thing it needs, though, is a good Chao Garden.

not yet

Playable characters:
Sonic would have SA2 style speed gameplay, Knuckles would have fast-paced beat-em-up gameplay with some exploration, Amy would be about precision platforming and would control like SA1 Amy, but with a much more natural speed progression, Omega would be the evolution of the mech sections, with several weapons to pick from and high speed shooting gameplay, and Silver would be entirely aerial, and his gameplay would be about flying around and fighting enemies and bosses, as well as finding secrets hidden in the arenas