noooooooooooooooooo fuck sony canceling ps5 pre order
Bloodborne PC leak
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cant believe sony did this to us
Black Souls is better anyway.
Dream on
too little too late
>source my ass
never should have fallen for Zig Forums telling me to buy a ps4
literally the only above average ps4 game now also on pc fuck
getting myself an ultra wide screen from the money i get for my ps4 and ps5 pre order cancellation
why are you so gay, confirmed fake months ago.
Stop lying nigger
I've never seen a game live rent free in their heads for so long.
told you fags but you didn't believe me
Going for the authentic PS4 experience.
Why do you want another Snoy shit port after Horizon?
Fake but the PC release is coming November 2020. I am an industry insider who signed a NDA. I'm not doing this for (you)s so don't quote me because that's all the info I know, I don't know about port quality, etc.
do you remember?
I remember this game. I played it nearly 6 years ago...
Enjoy the fake screenshots
What a load of shit.
Bloodborne on PC is and always will be a meme
PS4 actually had decent frame rates, it was the frampacing that was causing stutters
This is how I know you didn't play Bloodborne on release day.
Even if this was real, unless it's a quality port and actually a bit of an upgrade to the game, who really gives a fuck? Bloodborne was cool, but it's designed to run at 30 fps and ran like shit on the ps4, unless they update it to work on 60 fps and have high resolution options and shit I'm cool without some trash ass money grab port.
here you go, retard:
video released on release day, look at the framerate. it's almost constant 30, but frame pacing all over the place making it stuttery mess
You are only digging yourself in deeper. You didn't PLAY Bloodborne during release, posting videos about certain sections doesn't refute what I've said. There is no need to be ashamed, just move on. Those who played Bloodborne on release know what I am talking about.
>June 9
>niggers still spamming the old fake """"""leak"""""
sonybros... we lost...........