>This is a Switch game is 20 fucking 21
This is a Switch game is 20 fucking 21
Yeah the graphics are a bit shite. Way too much bloom if nothing else.
I don't mind so long as the game's good though. We will see.
No game with bad graphics is ever good.
Explain RF4 then
4 was always held back by the retarded graphics. It looks like a mobile game half the time
It has excuse of being a goddamn ds game. 5 is a console release, theres no excuse for this shit.
Not really. The graphics aren't ideal and the port looks like fucking cheeks but in the end I'd even call it a great game. One of my favorites at least.
RF Frontier honestly looked better than RF5 is looking at the moment. Hopefully they're able to get some of that shit fixed up before the game comes out.
I'll probably enjoy it regardless of graphics, but still.
One can only hope so but XSEED will find a reason to delay it to 2022.
Who is making these? Why have I seen this thread 3 times in the last few days?
>No excuse for that
its niche indie studio on verge of bankruptcy pushing out one final game with the profits they made from the switch port of RF4. Surprised theres a game at all
Didn't you make this same thread a couple of days ago?
Also, RF5 Day one buy for me
>Implying it wouldn't look the same on PS5 or PC
This is a next gen PS5 game.
>You will never marry a loli dragon...
why even live
I’m still buying it
This games are always made with pocketchange money, it's a miracle it even exists
Looks incredible.
Like many games, RF5 would look more bearable if not for the gratuitous amount of bloom and saturation
zoomers will hate this
The graphics are so shit. It looks worse than Rune Factory Frontier.
How do I marry the harvest goddess in friend of mineral town? I think shes best waifu.
Yeah, what's the problem?
>20 fucking 21
You type like a massive faggot. I don't know where you came from, but you need to go back.
And it's rune factory, the fact that's there's a new game is miracle
>But Doraemon looks better
Different developer, and Doraemon is fuck huge
I can't believe they're still alive.
They didn't even bother giving RF4 a proper ending that was missed in the original release due to crunching and deadlines. Now they pull a Harvest Moon on us, how could we have allowed them to do this.
Not every game needs to go 3d, especially not if the budget is severely underwhelming.
I was happy to get a proper Rune Factory entry, not a 3d spinoff like RF:Oceans.
>And it's rune factory, the fact that's there's a new game is miracle
This. Didn't the devs fill for bankruptcy a few years ago?
Well, if pokemon SWSH can get away with having shit graphics despite the fact that they recycled shitloads of assets and that was made by a multi billionaire corporation, then I'll defend RF5's PS2 graphics to the death
Acquire autism. Look up the requirements, it's insane.
She doesn't move in with you, btw. Enjoy being a single father in practice.
Yeah I guess I'll pass. I feel like I can get most of the stuff passively but 5 years probably wont happen. I've already burned out a couple of times and I haven't even lasted a year yet.
Its some guy with a bot. He posts the same threads constantly on a rotation. I think he is attempting to change Zig Forums's opinion though spam.
I'm sorry you were born so recently. You missed out on a lot.
Fuck you. Fun gameplay and/or world building is the only thing that matters.