what's an achievement you're proud of?
What's an achievement you're proud of?
>Halo achievement on Steam
I liked halo 2 before everyone on Zig Forums universally agreed that it was the only good video game ever made
fucking your mom
i hate suzhou
Didn't take any skill or anything, but still proud of it.
not an achievement if the whole neighborhood can do it
Only bad part was grinding the 50k kills. And dead ahead on hard
>Zig Forums ever agreeing on anything also
>liking halo 2 is new
i would say take your pills but that doesn't apply
I got, like, 200 plays or something on a Little Big Planet level I made way way back when it came out. Don't' remember the exact number, but booting up the game and being greeted by that achievement felt good.
Everyone on Zig Forums has agreed that halo 2 is the only good game. I took the census and you going back on it doesn't mean you didn't already say it's true.
you are proud of the fact that you were bamboozled into buying a dogshit game?
I beat halo 2 on legendary when I was 13
rip OP
I'm trying to beat the shitty Vista GFWL version of legendary to get the acheivement and I just can't fucking do it
Now beat all legendary missions in under 3 hours total nigger
im going to use trainers for this.
Oh Jesus, I mean I beat 3 in a single session so that must count for something
kingdom come deliverance
finish the game as a virgin
keep this thread alive for atleast 3 hours
Can't because it's so shit
actually the hardest i've tried for an achievement in a game. i'm not good at speedruns so this was a great moment for me
You also unlock the achievement on your xbox account too.
in-game or irl?
you don't need trainers just look up a guide if you're bad
3 has the same achievement (and it's somewhat easier) so not really
>only 2.6%
Why are PC shitters so bad a baby console shooters?
I guess the best I've done is Italian Hero three times, in FM12/14/15
I got that achievement on xbox when halo first came out and I didnt know you could break enemies shields with that blaster pistol.
I beat the entire game with frame perfect grenade throw memorization and hand to hand combat vs all of the elites.
I was so fucking confused when my friend broke my shield with that chargeable blast in multiplayer pvp
AGL Master in BallisticNG.