Post dem Minecraft houses

Last thread was cool.

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why would you waste your obsidian like that user

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wtf is up with that portal

poverty looking ugly on you weeby

>anime poster
as usual it just writes it self
what is infinite lava in the nether

I really liked philza's end project so i decided to try my own

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how did the chicken get there

very carefully

Looking at that house, one can only assume they are poor. The logic follows that if they cannot spare more blocks for their house, they should not waste them by decorating the portal before the house.

Also any tips on how to make good looking volcanoes would be appreciated I'm starting to dislike these

those are valid points. but its not even wasted in a good way. this looks like shit, thats the worst part of it

>nether brick fence

what am i looking at? a massive wall?

poor chicken bastard. I wish I had a picture of one but usually I like to find a mushroom island and build a house by growing mushrooms and then building towers down from them and connecting them to make a fort

The main end island

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I'm a boomer playing Minecraft for the first time in 2020, what should I keep in mind?

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the only way to keep the game fun is to build random stuff for the sake of it

home sweet home

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honestly the game does a decent job tutorializing things a little bit via the recipe book now. Some aspects are still a bit obtuse, but you can definitely get by without having to check the wiki anymore.

there is an endgame and final boss, but no real end goal. just remember the game is about creating your own fun and discovering cool shit.

Is there a Zig Forums server for this game?

Don't look up guides on how to do shit and figure it out by yourself. Honestly much more fun that way.

punch wood

genuinely having no clue how anything works is the best way to experience Minecraft, don't look up any guides

Why is it always weebs when the first post is the worst post?

Great shit user, love seeing huge projects like that

user turned The End into a fishbowl, this is the project he's talking about

It escaped after getting fucked in the cuck shack.

Just an incomplete facade

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Thanks man, I'm planning on making a fuck huge version of this in the center

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Post your ender chest right fucking now.
Blackstone and basalt. Make them tall. Do NOT forget the peaks. There's a difference between a mound and a mountain.
Since you can't use actual lava, consider magma blocks. They'll also make that cool bubble effect.

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anyone have texture pack suggestions. i've been rolling vanilla for a while now but want a change. I used to use dokucraft a while ago but i have no idea if that is even updated anymore because even in 2013 or so it was a fan project continuation.

I've been making the base out of stone and then sprinkling in some basalt and blackstone. Should I change it to the other way round? Also these are underwater volcanoes/vents so I cant imagine they'd be that tall



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Blackstone/basalt are a lot more "lava-y" in my opinion.
If you're going for a vent, I'd go for a big inside hole using plotz. I'd imagine fumes coming out of them in the form of red, orange, light/gray, and black stained glass

Comfy house user :)

dokucraft is still around john smith legacy is also nice and good ol faithful will never die i really don't care much else for other texture packs not sure if that's just me being retarded or what

Playing modded for the first time

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I'm gonna try one using basalt and blackstone then. It's a shame basalt doesn't have any slabs or stairs

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>not playing hardcore
>dropping the shield
you deserved it

I just steal the biggest house in the first village I find

trad and based

What would I need to use for the most mountain-y mountains? the new update's made me really crave living in one.

how do you feel about witnessing their inevitable extinction over the next few days?