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Don't worry they made is bad again a few months later
I mean going from a 2/10 to a 6/10 is objectively an improvement.
I found out this dumb game is on the Xbox game zone or whatever. Is the game even worth bothering with if it's free to me?
>he thinks PS4 owners are going to play that trash now even if they did make it better
No. It's still costing you time.
you are wasting batteries
just play nier the tomato
>desperately trying to get the no man's sky treatment
go away todd
Yes, I agree Fallout© 76 is very Poggers
cool, now they only need to fix like 1 or 9 billion bugs/glitches the game has
>ps4 players
>Pvp still cucked
Don’t care still not supporting bethesda
They have said the same shit several times. Why would anyone fall for this.
tfw a fallout 76chad enjoying FineWinetm while NV crybabies seethe offer Bethesda raking in money with this masterpiece
I look forward to playing and enjoying this game when it comes with all the expansions for like £10.
If that never happens then I guess I'll just enjoy Starfarer aka Skyrim 2: Space Niggers.
Starfield* no idea where Starfarer came from
lmao no it isn’t. its still incredibly buggy trash.
And it only took 3 years of bugs, clitches, cheaters breaking the game, unfair bans, many crashes, releasing it on steam, reddit fags bitching about the game being garbage, many yongyea videos, mod creators dropping the game after getting banned after being one of the few finding exploits and informing devs, class action law suits, the canvas bag and a lot, a lot more things.
all the expansions and DLC for fallout 76 are free
Starfarer was a better name should have left it kek
I guess NV is irredeemable trash then because it's even buggier
>NV is buggier than 76!
it absolutely isn’t, and you’re a retarded fag if you think so
NV wasn't even a functional game on release and still requires multiple third party patches to be playable
fallout 76 is fine apart from the irregular visual bug
3 fucking years bros...
Its on 1 eu xbox game pass niggy
>microsoft buys these clowns mere days ago
>suddenly FO76 is "fixed"
Of course it is sweety. How much did microdick pay you
Thanks user!
Too high
>last Fallout was a shameless cashgrab
It's over FObros