What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

Attached: file.png (1280x861, 2.69M)

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it was a metaphor

that's Metroid dude

Her suit looked different after the GF removed the cybernetic parts, not hard to understand.

she used to be a redhead

Attached: Samus_at_the_end_of_Metroid.png (180x232, 2.3K)

The X gave her huge boobs and a bimbo face so then she joined Brawl

You can literally see what she meant by that right above the text.
Look you blind faggot.
There are machines literally tearing her armor to pieces. The armor which is the galaxy's image of Samus Aran being dramatically altered. Right in front of your fucking eyes.
That is what she meant by her appearance being dramatically altered.
You dense motherfucker.
Holy shit.

I wish it was scars






Why in the fuck would it be scars
No, really, why
That doesn't make any fucking sense

So you are saying that somewhere in that picture, there is a hint?


Attached: angriest.png (301x272, 120.87K)

Part of the prologue explains that the x have bonded her with the suit. Cutting the suit off is a body-damaging and life-threatening surgical process

She's bonded with the suit by default you knuckle dragging cock mongler. It is literally a part of her.

Sure, whatever you say.

Attached: file.png (594x336, 10.08K)


Did you play the fucking game at all? It talks about how the X organically fused with her, embedding itself into her nervous system. They removed what they could from her but not all of it could be, that's why they had to use metroid DNA.

Someone didn't understand Fusion.

The X had to be surgically removed. It had embedded itself into its nervous system, and the organic pieces of her suit merged with her body. The fact that they bring it up mean the organic components of the suit weren't literally fused to her before this.
When she absorbs the SAX, it's implied at least a little bit by the ending that she goes back to normal.


Attached: 1504854460304.jpg (460x345, 35.43K)

It's spelled out clear as day in the opening that this is what happened. Are you an ESL?

They amputated the CYBERNETIC components of her Power Suit, you braindead faggots.

How does she pee when the suit is fused to her haha

You never played the game

SM and Fusion had very good designs for Samus

Attached: samus.png (1285x2228, 149.42K)

It's a weird turn of phrase. When I read it I interpreted it as Samus' actual appearance. Why would she say my when referring to the suit? It's like being in a car crash and saying they altered your physical appearance because they had to cut you out of the car

I did, that's why I'm not retarded like you, this is very easy to understand if you actually understand Metroid, but you don't.


>We want the Space Cobra audience

The suit is a part of her.

So Aeion Energy and X-Parasites?

I'm still kinda confused with the Fusion Suit is the yellow the remnants of the Varia Suit and the blue some sort of covering to replace the removed parts?

Attached: FusionSuit.png (250x328, 104.57K)

Cute girls don't pee or poop. If they do then they weren't cute in the first place.

Yes, it's the remnants of the Power Suit, the outer layer is from the Federation, Prime concept art which R&D1 sent to Retro kind of proves this, along with Samus being able to download abilities from GF machines.