Game punishes you for having a varied party

>game punishes you for having a varied party

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Other urls found in this thread: Dive


It's been a while, but most enemies had both a magical and a physical shield, so if you had a mixed party, you had to chip away at both shields before you could start doing real damage, whereas a specialist party that only dealt one kind of damage could basically completely ignore the other one.

no, just varying damage types

Not if you know how to play.

Sure but didn't the game also throw enemies with a million magical armor but 10 physical armor sometimes? I'm pretty sure they didn't want anyone to roll a party of 4 wizards so they balanced out the enemies like this.

Most encounters don't have enemies like that so 90% of the time it's best to have a fully physical or fully magical party.
Just an utterly terrible system that ruins the original game's combat.

>bought the definitive edition
>literally nothing changed from the classic edition
Did I missed something? I thought Act 3 and 4 were supposed to be more fleshed out with more areas and shit.

They did, but it was infrequent enough that having to deal with a slightly stronger enemy a couple of times wasn't worth having to deal with 2 damage types 90% the rest of the game.

I only kind of remember because I played through the game on multiplayer with 3 friends only one chose Magical type damage and he was fucking worthless by the end of the game. We'd kill any enemy he was working on before he could even get their magical shield off most of the time.

there are apparently minor additions all over, but ye act 4 was the one supposedly more fleshed out

I know and I completely agree with you on the fact that it's a shitty system but every single time someone would reply with the armor number balance thing on some mobs. I don't remember the game clearly so I had to probe to see if it was true.

They added like two more fights or some shit

>but ye act 4 was the one supposedly more fleshed out
For sure doesn't feel like it. Maybe the sewers got bigger I dunno, but that's not what I had in mind when I'm thinking of "fleshing out".

that's bullshit though, enemies have varied armour values, just focus the proper ones and you're fine

>90% of the time it's best to have a fully physical or fully magical
>it was infrequent
it's infrequent to have enemies with none or extremely low one type, but pretty much evey encouter has enemies that are superior with one type and inferior with the other, so as long as you properly choose your targets you're fine

Yeah is wrong. Building an all single damage part is wack, but building a split damage party is even worse. The best thing to do is focus on one type of damage (physical or magical) and designate three party members to be that type, while the fourth party member specializes in the other type as a purist.

My first run through was:
Red Prince Warfare and Fire
Sebille Necromancy and Scoundrel
Ifan Pure Ranger
Beast Hydromancer and Aerothurge

And it worked pretty well. Probably should have made Ifan a Ranger/Polymorph hybrid to help out the Red Prince but it wasn't really an issue until Act 4. Act 4, by the way, is fucking horrible. The level scaling was a pretty serious issue most of the game before I even got to Arx but Arx was the worst it ever got. Absolutely shite encounter layouts.
>the first kraken encounter where it just oneshots you on turn one if you come into the encounter with your party bunched up
>the embassy encounter
>that one encounter with the polymorph druids right outside of town
The magic/phys armor system in general is also pretty broken and scaling heavily favors physical attacks, so it's often safer and easier to just burst down someone with physical attacks than set up for a gigahuge magic wombo combo.

Game is good and I want to replay it but i'll never touch it unmodded ever again. Has anyone here played Divine War? I hear that fixes most of the issues.

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you can already tell the game is gonna be shit when SJWs put a shitskin on the front and there isnt a single white male in sight

>Sure but didn't the game also throw enemies with a million magical armor but 10 physical armor sometimes?
holy shit no
at worst wizzards would get 200 magic armor and 100 armor, except their "party" would give physical buffs
at best you'll take a single mage to heal and deal elemental effects

What a fucking ripoff then.

Buddy this game is so easy that stacking one damage type is overkill, even on Tactician. You aren't being punished going 2/2, you're just not super overpowered.

Get good

>The level scaling was a pretty serious issue most of the game before I even got to Arx but Arx was the worst it ever got. Absolutely shite encounter layouts.
I don't remember this being much of an issue in the first DoS but holy shit you're right on the second one. That fucking flying fire whore with the dying lights shit. The scarecrows with the insane ranged attack. The green dragon shit where the earth was all cracked. What the fuck was that all about? It almost seemed as if I skipped an entire section of game. Shit was ridiculously hard after the prison island.

so what most rpgs favor minmax

I'm currently on a third playthrough with a 2 physical characters and 2 magical characters, they just compliment each others. Thinking that the game is punishing you for doing so just means that you're really shitty at the game and that you basically have low IQ. The game is not hard and it even becomes stupidly easy once you get a slight understanding of the mechanics.
This whole thing about split armor is just pathetic, it forces you to be more strategic and pick your target and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. People are just fucking retards or purist autistic cunts who can't handle a justified change from a game to another.

It was a free update they pushed to every version. Probably because of the console releases.

why are you defending garbage game mechanics, are you mentally ill?
its a sign of battered wife syndrome just so you know

I'm sure on single player it's much easier to completely control that balance and build your party to synergize with one another, but on multiplayer, it was utter shit for the sole magical guy.

Not him but there are a few mods that completely revamp the combat system and make it 100x better.
I know the whole mod argument and why do I need mods to play a game, but DEs been out for a while and there are a lot of mods that just straight up make the game better. If anyone heres looking for a replay, check out some of the DE mods

It's better than DOS1 where your only concern was dealing as much damage as possible, DOS2 forces you to pick your targets and use CC.
I don't know, you're probably just dumb.

There is a route you have to go in Act 2 to stay within your level range. You go off it and you'll eat shit

DoS one has hard level scaling too, but it's general more "fair" in that the farther you get out from the first Act city, the harder the encounters get. DoS2 Reaper's Coast is extremely schizophrenic. Look at this nonsense.
>no actual big xp encounters designed for level 9 so getting to 10 sucks
>Level 14 and 15 miniboss right next to an area designed for level 12 characters
>Go north from town at the beginning of the Act? Sucks for you fag, get jumped by enemies three levels higher than you
>No clear path to take through the level without bumping into higher level encounters designed to assrape you
So poorly designed.

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I'm a sole magic in a multiplayer party and I've built my Pyro/Geo so well that I can pull my weight above and beyond. There are times where my innate abilities cannot support the rest of the group, but that's why I have scrolls and grenades

I'm playing with my brother right now, he does the magic stuff, I manage the physical stuff. We both have 2 characters.
We're destroying the game and we're playing on tactician. Have you considered that your builds just did not synergize and that's it? Do not blame the game mechanics for the choices you made as a group.

Tell me about it, there were 2 instances in RC where I completely lost my shit.
They were the possessed Witch, and those fucking scarecrows.
I encountered the Scarecrows for the first time during my Lone Wolf run. Biggest mistake i've ever made.

Mage enemies have piss poor physical defence and vice versa. It only gets annoying if you dont have skills and spells to get to them fast.

>game refuses to let you roleplay

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Yeah. Some encounters will just fuck you up.
As you replay the game, knowing where to go and when you're supposed to fight makes the game much much easier.

Yes? So does BG and IWD games. If you try to go with a full mage party starting from lvl 1 you're not going to have a good time.

Yes but they favor you minmaxing everyone. Os2 favours you minmaxing only magic or onlu physical damage.

Can't you read?

The scaling of items were even worse, promoting swapping all your gear your current one ASAP.
Your legendary lv9 armor have 200 armor/magic armor?
Well this mechant have a white lv10 armor that just happen to have 500 armor and 500 magic armor!
The higher the level, the higher the bloat too, I'm pretty sure there was a like of 2000 armor between a lv18 to a lv19 armor.

Thanks to that I'm actually thinking of trying the no-scaling mod and playing the game like it's always lv1 fights.

>Beat the game on Tactician with a mixed party
>See this thread.

Please stop being gay and learn how to play. Thanks!

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a split party is still perfectly playable people just love to cry
plus there's a hundred mods if you really don't like it

Yeah shit gets exponential. It's not great

>poster count doesnt go up
>the 1 battered wife makes another post about how its ok and that he beat the game
shut up you literal victim

It's pretty simple :
- Spell casters have low physical armor and high magical armor
- Rangers/Rogues have medium physical armor and medium magical armor
- Warriors have high physical armor and low magical armor
- Shielded warriors have very high physical armor and high magical armor, balanced with their lack of mobility

That's it, that's all you need to know. Use your team in an intelligent manner, focus on CC and just breeze through the game.

they do allow blood witch, but yea sort of pigeonholed the combat a bit. being able to put out fire with water and make certain combos was kind of cool just needed more integration perhaps.

>he never used Summoning
>he sucks at using Summoning


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And the fun thing?
EVERYTHING around it is based on vitality.

instead of having physical/magical armor they should have had resilience stats against various CC's

The game doesn't punish shit, base game on max difficulty is absurdly easy on whatever build you want regardless of how dumb. If you're not modding and upping the difficulty that way you're playing wrong.

summoning unfortunately suffers heavily from the "incarnate is superior to everything" issue
that said one of the gift bag mods does fix it

i used a mod where you can upscale your gear at an NPC. again you are right about this. that shit was poorly done concept.

Hell, as I recall there are non-lone wolf solo playthroughs on tactician, so having the second character with any damage type is definitely more than enough to beat the game.

Still, it is a pretty stupid mechanic. I like the idea of status effects not being applicable while shields hold, which makes alpha striking with mass CC less important than it would otherwise be, but whether it's strictly necessary or not, it DOES disincentivize balanced parties.

>lack of mobility
Bitch what Dive

the question is why this isnt implemented into the gear that characters wear adding resistance% instead of going the RETARDED route of having "shields" that need to be "broken"

Summoning is really good, particularly with a ranger.

>Have a party with multiple damage types
>After they kill the enemy with low of their armor type, their damage becomes worthless
>Have a party with one damage type
>Even if enemy has a high armor of the same type, they can rush it down easily(Especially if abusing knockdown, stun or freeze)
Also Lone Wolf is completely broken, make two warfare/polymorph beasts. Start with Tentacle Lash, Battering Ram and Battle Stomp.
Whose idea was to give a starting class two knockdowns? Anyway, you can stunlock anything.
Also Constitution is a worthless stat, your armor is more important. Also perseverance is half time broken and other half of the time completely useless.

The more you know about the game, the more you start hating it.

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to be fair, ranger is op with anything if you know how to build it

I'm talking about enemy AI, your typical magister boy with his big shield typically has minimal mobility options. I'm perfectly aware of the warfare skills and that's not what i'm referring to.

>not going with 2 characters and giving both of them lone wolf

literally undefeatable no matter what comp you have