They blew their load early again. No character in the pass will top this in terms of overall reaction.
They blew their load early again. No character in the pass will top this in terms of overall reaction
... until peter griffin is revealed...
Ultimate is really going all out, they are basically just celebrating all video games at this point. It used to be a nintendo circlejerk in the first few installments.
Wait until Duke Nukem and his strip club stage.
So how will you guys feel when Sakurai steps down after Season 2 and Nintendo continues to work on the game without him?
Fine because Nintendo is already corporate? They will do another Smash ballot, look at up coming releases, and orchestrate with other companies to get them into smash. People will get everyone they ever wanted but they won’t get that autistic effort Sakurai brings to the table, monkey’s paw
Yeah, you'd have to be retarded to think otherwise. They still need a Pokemon in there, and probably some other literally who. Banjo was the king of the last one and Steve is the king of this one. It will end on the lease exciting character, as has been the case for the previous pack and Smash 4's DLC.
Snake and Sonic weren't the last
neither were Megaman and Pacman
I will buy a switch when Reimu Hakurei is announced for smash
That's literally the point
You gotta sucker people into buying the entire pass ASAP
It makes financial sense to do it early. By the last character, everyone will have bought the pass anyways so they can do whatever they want, its not like people can unbuy it. That's exactly what they did with Byleth
What about Lara Croft? (pic unrelated)
So never than
They did with Banjo too. Funny thay both characters thay excite people the most are Microsoft.
and Microsoft still won't do anything with Banjo
I wouldn't give a fuck, the DLC characters haven't been his call.
I've always wanted the fuck the shit out of this chick. She makes my nuts burst.
Nah, going big early is optimal. If they leave the good shit till the end, people will probably only buy that character on its own. If they start with the good shit, people will be more likely to just buy the whole pass.
yeah what is it with her? she looks like a crack whore but i love it
Shes a size queen and pointed out some dude has a "small cock" in some interview she did before
Yeah. She's not really that attractive, but there is something about her. I just cant put my finger on it, but when I see her I get an instant erection.
Is there an uncensored or is it just the actor being a bitch?
I'm just confused as to why they went from adding in an obscure ARMS character that wasn't even on the boxart to one of the biggest gaming icons of all time. Literally going from a 0 to 100 in terms of general recognizability with no in-between.
>Nine months into the pass being on sale
No uncensored but she has topless and nudes scenes in a few movies
reminder that he was going to be the big E3 reveal if it hadn't been cancelled
Didn't Min-Min win a bunch of popularity contests overseas?
>They blew their load early again. No character in the pass will top this in terms of overall reaction.
Yeah because they want you to buy the pass. The other characters will probably be pretty tame by comparison.
I disagree!
Waluigi, Geno, and any other meme tier characters.
Imagine if we got Reimu, Miku, or an Undertale character.
>saves Smash
>in terms of overall reactions
Do you smelly fucks even PLAY your game anymore?
>wanting LITERAL fucking whos.
wow, 3 characters people care even Less about than Geno. Amazing