Why did they make my favorite character black, vros?
Why did they make my favorite character black, vros?
he's American
I thought he was German
Rain is nobody's favourite anything, you fat fuck.
He's my favorite
You're lying.
cus he's based off of prince
That's an Asian
Why would I lie to you? :(
>why is purple rain black
cmon dude
chocolate rain
subliminal messaging through representation to enforce that black people and white people are the same and not to be treated differently
This. Black people love grape juice so of course they’d make the purple ninja black.
he's not black though, he's from Edenia
he's tanned
because he's named after a black man's song
So all black people are tanned?
>rain is black now
How many Jojo characters need their race changed then?
All of them.
Where's his gun?
Rain never had an actual design, honestly.
What are you talking about? He was always darker skinned compared to the other ninjas since UMK3 on the Genesis/SNES.
Is it true Sylvester is a mysoginistic racist homophobic piece of shit?
Dios mio Rain amigos...............
Is that a problem?
I always thought he was supposed to be arab
No he wasn't.
Yes racism is bad