

Attached: Solitude.jpg (1920x1080, 529.42K)

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are these.....tears?

>this is a 2011 AAA goty singleplayer game
Age of Conan had as much, if not more detail in its world design

Attached: ot-2.jpg (1768x992, 353.83K)

Definitely the best city in Skyrim and it’s not even close.
Solitude > Riften > Windhelm > Whiterun > Markarth > Winterhold > Falkreath > Dawnstar > Morthal

>copy pasted buildings is better world design
You do you, bud.


Attached: godd.jpg (738x1034, 427.7K)

>Capital city of Skyrim
>62 inhabitants

How was it that Oblivion's cities somehow felt larger when they probably weren't? Skingrad by itself is probably larger than every city in Skyrim.

I always thought Windhelm was meant to be the capital when I was playing it at the time - all the cities were fucking laughable in Skyrim

I would honestly wager the imperial city in Oblivion had pretty much the same amount of enterable buildings as all the cities in skyrim combined

>blocking cities with your tits out
>guild called "fuck off"
>free PVP
take me back

>Capital of Eastmarch Hold
>56 inhabitants

>mfw entering Solitude

Attached: toddwhy.png (318x316, 204.52K)

For me, it's Chorrol.

Attached: OB-place-Chorrol.jpg (1400x1050, 571.97K)
First game i've ever reinstalled just to play tourist

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For me, it’s Anvil (TESIII)

Attached: 3B3DE84B-9739-4CF3-9F24-ADFF4761E9AB.png (1920x1080, 3.07M)

Woah, Anvil looks like THAT??

...of ten people.

That's a lotta people.

never thought Id see AoC discussion.
actually played it a short while a month ago

For me? it's Markarth

>mountains, rivers, caves, streams, stone

>capital city barely large enough to be a village.
When will this end?

Likewise, and it still held up surprisingly well.
Completely dead though - in about 3 hours I didn't encounter a single other player in any of the hubs, while the same person repeatedly invited me to their guild every 5 minutes

Attached: 511657u8.jpg (3840x2160, 1.33M)

The "dude if you zoom out the city isn't even big" autists is the worst meme on Zig Forums.

You don't have to zoom out - all of Skyrim's cities have no more than around 10 buildings each

They were bigger, both in terms of buildings and npcs. Usually there was also a few more side quests although Skyrim's side quests probably have slightly more "content" to them

Attached: 1558372368523.png (621x929, 137.83K)

The docks look modded, its even twice smaller in vanilla

>Skyrim's side quests probably have slightly more "content" to them
Apart from the vast majority still involve trekking through identical looking dungeons fighting the same enemies overandoverandoverandover

BASED oakchad. Chorrol is the best city in Oblivion by far.

It did...until Todd fucked everything up

Attached: DCF9DF79-C8C4-42A1-975E-072486E814CC.png (1920x1080, 3.02M)

Lets be honest they only feel a little bit bigger, they're not that big either. But imo they also feel much worse and less real. The absolutely ginormous cartoony walls that just randomly surround each city, each city looks the same, doesn't have any relationship to the local geography, just sprouts up out of nowhere. What I liked about Skyrim most is the cities all look and feel unique. With mods, they gain their proper size too. You can get those cities feeling quite large.

Daggerfall.. home.

Attached: Jumping increase.webm (1920x1080, 2.67M)

This looks amazing, but have this map and skyrim map any content? at least some kind of wilderness monsters to counter?