>Scream Fortress Drops >One of the Valve's oldest employees came back to TF2 to update mannpower >TF2 breaks it's player count record >Valve then tweets about it >TF2 official account retweets it >Three updates under a week
a future community update is going to get sharked by mcvicker and creators.tf and tyler went from "TEEEFFTWO IS DEAD GOD DAMMIT STOP PLAYING IT" to "t-they may be working on a community update, send me any dieas you have on my email he gets into drama every week and creators is pocketing the $700 a month they have to spend on 30 servers youtu.be/3vmsHNL-Kok >Tyler has been contact by Valve legal more times in the last 6 months as of recording date than he's been contacted by Valve in his entire career >Tyler has a video call with the legal team after he streamed a leaked build of HL:A before it came out, asked him about other leaks >Valve legal freaked out when Tyler revealed the Nextbot code was in the 2018 leak >conversation over taking the Nextbot code down >Tyler gives them "Insider Information" >TF2 team is non existent >Valve playtests community TF2 stuff all the time despite not working on the actual game. Mostly new community maps but also Source mods like TF2C, Open Fortress, Pre-Fortress >Valve has already given TF2 to the community hence why TF2C and creators.tf are allowed to have their own economies >Creators.tf and Tf2C have been silently promoted and approved by Dave Rilere and other Valve employees >older employees don't like playtesting TF2 stuff while the post-OrangeBox ones do >Tyler wants Open Fortress and TF2C to compete with eachother >was told about leaked code in Open Fortress by the head TF2C dev >as soon as he disconnects everyone talks about how stressful the call was and say yikes
where is that fag? he's been gone for the past few threads
Xavier Carter
(you) clearly do since you're replying
Leo Price
no, valve might start on it but it will be abandoned
David Scott
its dead tf2 wont ever be again what it once was
Brandon Ortiz
Gavin Walker
>Three updates under a week
don't wanna burst your bubble but it's pretty usual for a major tf2 update to be followed up by several smaller ones to fix the more glaring issues introduced by it since valve does basically zero playtesting
this update is gonna ruin it more than MyM and Pyro Inferno did
Brody Cook
>Tyler wants Open Fortress and TF2C to compete with eachother why?
Jeremiah Parker
I dont think anything can ruin this game more then MYM did with matchmaking and compfaggotry.
they could add in the most absurd crates that sell for like 20 bucks a pop,even dumber then usual hats and the overpowered heavy weapon they could imagine and it would of still done less damage then Meat your match did.
I still think this faggot lied about the Scout being named after Jerma.
Dylan Smith
i still don't understand why they don't let you join valve servers through the server browser anymore. absolutely retarded, valve must've been high as fuck while making that terrible update.
Benjamin Martinez
damn, wtf happened to this game bros just last year people were mad that they were only getting cosmetics updates now everyone's grateful for yet another one. this is sad...
Kevin Gomez
its over
Charles Powell
>people can no longer join game modes selectively which means KOTH is dead unless you play harvest 24/7 >dustbowl,Upward,2fort are now the meta and all your allowed to play if your joining through matchmaking. >funneling people away from server browsers meant niche "fun" servers that would of otherwise survived thanks to exposure from the server browser like degroot,warioware,critz can no longer be viable.
You can whine about f2p's you can whine about hats and crates and market nonsense you can whine about robots.
But meat your match is and will always be the single most damaging update to the tf2 community purely by principle of what it accomplished.
man i am so embarassed to have so many hours in this tranny HIV positive game
Gabriel Jones
everyone who had any balls in the community gave up on tf2 and moved onto other things all thats left is the retarded cocksuckers who will eat anything and everything valve shits out, regardless of the quality
Dominic Rodriguez
>have 700 hours in TF2 over the years >abandon it for a while >boot it up recently >hop in a standard 2Fort CTF >almost everyone on the map is just looking at each other's taunts, congo lines, typing trade offers in the chat >occasionally killing each other and actually doing the objective >try several other servers >cannot for the life of me find a server where people are actually playing TF2 Hats, taunts, and the marketplace were a mistake
Everyone who wasn't an autistic retard accepted it's dead and moved on.
Luke Gonzalez
yeah surely it has nothing to do with the fact that you joined fucking 2fort of all maps, the consensus "just fucking around" map it must be the hats
Nolan Sanchez
2fort has been like that for ages. How do you have 700 hours and not know this?
Eli Collins
>Valve legal freaked out when Tyler revealed the Nextbot code was in the 2018 leak I don't understand this part, why the fuck would valve care so much if the code for NextBot was leaked?
Thomas Rivera
lmao how the fuck is this trash game still alive
Evan Collins
Fortress Forever is better anyway. Or it was when it still had a playerbase F
Dominic Harris
Ever noticed how the Source SDK has the navmesh code but never the AI code which uses it? Mike Booth was the one who came up with the AI, I guess he was against open-sourcing his code and Valve respects his wish despite going against their own mentality of modding and open-source.
Isaac Cooper
The only way you could actually get people that try to win was to join stars no crit server years ago Otherwise any public server you go on will have Rocket jumper soldiers and sandvich heavies
Jonathan Bailey
I mean I guess thats as reasonable of an explanation as I'm going to get, it just seems odd to me that the reaction would be that for such an old system, or maybe Tyler is just full of shit (like usual) and that never actually happened.
Joseph Jenkins
now try Hightower
Nolan Bailey
>maybe Tyler is just full of shit (like usual) and that never actually happened. >TF2 team is non existent >Valve playtests community TF2 stuff all the time despite not working on the actual game. Mostly new community maps but also Source mods like TF2C, Open Fortress, Pre-Fortress >Valve has already given TF2 to the community hence why TF2C and creators.tf are allowed to have their own economies >Creators.tf and Tf2C have been silently promoted and approved by Dave Rilere and other Valve employees gee it's almost like he was trying to screw over the project so tf2c could thrive considering he didn't even invite the project lead
Matthew Rivera
Is Tyler genuinely just autistic? The level of insecurity that radiates from all this TF2 drama is off the charts.