Sony is going to win. There's absolutely nothing you can do to stop them

>the GPU equivalent of a 2060s, superpowered with RDNA 2.0 architecture- MSRP $400
>the CPU equivalent of a 10900k overclocked to 5.6 GHz- MSRP $700
>a Sony DualSense controller- MSRP $69.99
>a 1-month trial code for PS PLUS- MSRP $9.99
>Blu-Ray drive- MSRP $200
>lighting-fast proprietary voodoo magic SSD technology that hasn't even hit the market yet- MSRP priceless
>miniature-sized industrial fans that keep all of this space-age technology hush-quiet
The PS5 is going to sell upwards of 200,000,000 units, kill off nintendo, microsoft, and whatever shitty chinkbot PC gaming launchers you're using. You will all be using PS NOW to stream games in the 9th gen, mark my fucking words.

Attached: my_setup.jpg (2048x2048, 659.29K)

do people actually like tlou2

PCunts in shambles

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we know op

na nintendo is

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Good one, OP.
Especially the CPU part had me laugh out heartly.

Attached: 1601116825748.jpg (600x505, 30.32K)

sony will win and nintendo will dominate handhelds. what a time to be alive

now that zoomers dominate Zig Forums shitposting is a lost art..

You mean an lost art

I doubt

Attached: 1601465511931.jpg (1921x1080, 646.43K)

non virgin people only

>stretched aspect ratio
it hurts to look at

trying too hard

Now the dust has been caught, should I get TLoU 2 if I enjoyed the first game?

If he had two more DS4s he'd almost be able to get through 12 hours of gaming without having to recharge

I don't understand how you can be this much of a coomsumer, is that 5 copies of tlou2? What the fuck?

Would you look at that
The whole Dilate Department showed up in full force

Attached: 1599119623648.webm (640x360, 2.9M)

>the GPU equivalent of a 2060s

Attached: EirGaWHXsAEd36j.jpg (1080x1141, 60.28K)

What's the story behind this picture? I mean the game doesn't look like that, so I'm guessing photo mode?

Part II is exactly the opposite of first game. Gameplay is better but story well, depends if you liked new star wars movies

>lifts and trains to be absolute peak physical female form
>can't overpower some random guy
abby bros...

>>the GPU equivalent of a 2060s, superpowered with RDNA 2.0 architecture- MSRP $400
>>the CPU equivalent of a 10900k overclocked to 5.6 GHz- MSRP $700
solid bait desu, because while the rest of us are laughing I could see some snoys actually getting pumped when reading it

think about how happier the guy who took the pic is than all of us

Simple, photo mode can disable all the effects that make this game more decent. I mean it's not that bad, they had to use tricks to look and work good on old ps4.

it won't fit on the damn shelf, user.

I liked it enough. Gameplay wise it was a massive improvement over the original, it was certainly worse in every other fashion but I value gameplay first and foremost.

nice shill attempt

Attached: based_terry.jpg (1294x478, 115.1K)

its weird that you would play one of these 3rd person cinematic games if you value gameplay in the first place

Yes. Great gameplay and story. I love seeing Joelfags seethe

delete this

I like to play divisive games to form opinions on them for myself. Roommate bought it so I just played through it once for free.

For me it was the only PS4 game I was looking forward to. Non of that other pony crap interests me. But TLOU1? I loved that game. But now that they killed/ruined all of the characters, I have literally 0 interest in TLOU3 and thus 0 interest in the NonwhiteStation 5.

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Ah right. I’ll buy it used then

snoyism is an actual disease. This is mental illness.

why do you need to form an opinion on everything, are you a professional 4channel poster

Hes got hella neetbux to blow 4 sure but most neets i know are a lousy depressed lot

They added grounded difficulty with permadeath option. It's something atleast.

I suppose you're no longer a virgin after one of your uncles rapes you.

all it needs now is...

Attached: wheres the video games.jpg (704x465, 51.36K)

i mean at least its not xbox

Hey, thats how i lost my virginity too!

God, feels so great to be on the winning side

>NonwhiteStation 5.

But the console it's mostly white, you dipshit

>locked in system
>still not 144 hz

Still about 5 years behind us there buddy.

>why do you need to form an opinion on everything
I don't, an opportunity presented itself for me to play a divisive game for free and I took it.

>are you a professional 4channel poster
I have friends who like to talk about videogames with me, so having an actual opinion formed on personal experience makes for more meaningful discussions than just parroting the same points ad nauseum.