cyberpunk releases in a month
what are your:
>realistic expectations
Cyberpunk releases in a month
Other urls found in this thread:
That it doesn't suck.
>>realistic expectations
That it's probably gonna suck.
Good game
Bad game
that it's gonna be fun
>realistic expectations
that it's gonna be fun
I haven't fallen for tortanic shitposting, I haven't fallen for a needless amount of expectations, and I find it funny that they got away with adding so much "SJW pandering" shit in America's literal worst city (in the setting)
Also I'm pirating it because I'm poor and it's not in my budget to pay 60$
Dropping a spoiler
>Judy''s romance never has you actually have physical sex with her
>The two of you just get in separate chairs and do braindances together involving tons of people having tons of sex and basically the two of you cum in your pants
month ?
I hope the game is good and everyone enjoys it.
>realistic expectation
Whether the game is good or not, this board will become overwhelmed by shitposting for at least a week after launch.
It'll probably be like Witcher 3, it will have good and bad elements and whether you like it will come down to personal taste.
Reddit will praise it as if it were the second coming of Christ.
Zig Forums will hate it and pretend it has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
Both will be wrong.
An immersive 50 hour playthrough where even if the main story isn't engaging all the way through the side quests make up for it
and I expect that. Its Witcher 3 all over again. Maybe squeezing the main story down gives them room to make it more spearheaded into goals and interesting moments instead of doing a bunch of useless shit in Novigrad
>realistic expectations
Zig Forums trannies are going to seethe, dilate and cope to levels never seen before.
Immersive cyberpunk game with some good gameplay, characters, story, tech, atmosphere and gunplay. P.S. FUCK THE SUN
Too much neon vomit and modern west coast NA left wing culture
this place... on november 19... is gonna be fun :)
More than a month.
A general action adventure game that can be comfy at times.
>Realistic expectations
A general action adventure game that can be comfy at times.
I’m just waiting for the inevitable shitposting that will plague Zig Forums the constant OHNONONO and We Got Too Cocky Cyberbros threads. As well as “Here’s your Cyberpunk game bro...” with a shitty cropped image taken at a specific angle at a specific second regardless of context or the quality of the overall game and let’s face it it’ll focus on someone black or a tranny as this board is obsessed/bored of both. Meanwhile I’ll keep enjoying vidya.
I want it to be good on the story side, and the comat to not suck too much
it will suck mega dong and i wont be able to be Evil
A game ill enjoy
A game i'll be dissapointed in due to shortcomings and subpar gameplay
we havent had a new gta in ages so i hope this game is fun at least
hopes: Story/world as good as witcher 3
expectations: janky driving and gunplay
Hopefully it's an amazing game that will last me a long time.
Reality will be that it's a alright game that I will wait a few months for it to be in a sale.
Can side with corps
>realistic expectations
A decent game
I don't expect anything after Witcher 2 that was tedious never-ending slog of cutscenes, walking and talking.
It’ll likely be the last game I ever purchase.
Games just don’t do it for me anymore figure I’d end it with some sci fi kino
I hope its the "die cis scum" HR powerpoint presentation we all suspect it will be and is so hamfisted and cringe that it destroys CDPR forever.
A great game
A fine game
Game of the Decade
>realistic expectations
Game of the Decade
despite whatever it's gonna be, im here only for EA and Activision unpaid shills hating on it
Probably gonna feel generally unfocused enough to keep me from having any real drive to finish it (certainly not in a timely manner). Marvel at it for a couple of hours and then be done for years.
Basically pic related.
I still have a gtx 970, how fucked am I?
I don't know if I'm going to be able to get a 3070 in time
A fun game that can give me a fun playthrough
>realistic expectations
First person GTA that puts you on a rail with some barebone RPG mechanics like Fallout 4
Novigrad was kino
>great side quests
>Dandelion saga great
>Triss and mages- DOGSHIT
The whole Triss and mage parts were fucking awful
Will you be avoiding Zig Forums and spoilers on the day of the release?
I'll definitely avoid it for the first couple days, but I'll come back eventually, I want to see the shitflinging at its absolute apex
that I get a smooth 120fps with decent graphics settings and ray tracing with my 3080
>realistic expecations
that it runs like the usual badly optimised, console-ported trash
spoilers will probably leak a week before release and it was always on Zig Forums that i got spoiled for AAA games.
I'll play it instead of posting on Zig Forums but like said
>mile wide
>inch deep
i want an 8ft dick, but I also want to have boobies.
Have you seen the system requirement?
Your meme card is overkill and don't expect 120fps.
no lol, i want to see the meltdown, i don't give a shit about muh spoilerinos because i'm not a 13 years old with a netflix subscription
If less than 8GB of RAM, moderately fucked.
All I want is this game to get mods day 1
>realistic expectations
Mods in 3 years
I have 32 so I should be fine in that department
Thread Zig Forumssic
It's literally Far Cry set in a soulless "future" "city".
Mods for?
Oh let me guess user.
>eternal night time with rain and anime tiddy