Which one was the real rpg?
Witcher 1 vs 2 vs 3
1. The rest are normified console games, as is cyberpunk.
>real rpg
what did he mean by this
All of them, 1 being the realest.
which ones fit Zig Forums's agreed upon definition of an "rpg"
2 is the only game where your choices actually effect anything.
arguments about what is or what is not a roleplaying game should be avoided at all costs
Then this board should be avoided at all costs
Whichever one he likes most
unless people like you stop shitting it up
No one had RPG mechanics
Why did you put 3 low res images next to each other?
The first one represents witcher 1, the second one represents witcher 2, and the third one represents witcher 3. You are supposed to determine which one is an rpg from these 3 images. I can post more examples if you'd like.
Can you name one rpg that was released after 2010?
he meant which one is the jankiest and devoid of story
it's called "soul" user
i just read all the books and then played through the games this month, i enjoyed 2 the most by far
3 is just way too tedious and annoying as fuck to play through, and 1 is a meme that people say has a good story for some reason
i think its funny that everyone hated the swamp in witcher 1, so cdpr took this advice and made the starter half of the game for witcher 2 and 3 shitty swamps
so all of them?
but the swamp in witcher 2 is one of the coziest landscapes crafted
1 was the most "RPG" because RPG means janky and shit combat for the genre enthusiasts
2 had the best narrative of any game ever made
3 had the perfect quest structure and side quests
Nothing wrong with this either.
*takes pity on the kitty*
2 is also the game where the decisions have the least personal stakes
there was nothing cozy about that swamp user
>3 had the perfect quest structure and side quests
the pacing for 3 is pretty messed up though, you're supposed to urgently save ciri but theres 50 random side quests per second flooded into your quest log
im shocked that cdpr is a huge developer now. i remember when the witcher came out i thought it was trash. it was literally a third world nwn mod.
Yeah thats the worst thing about 3. I hope its not the same for cyberpunk.
And then you can get locked out of those side quests by advancing the main story, which kinda sorta obligates you to do everything unless you check what quests break at which points
it turns out that having a generic main character with romance options is the golden ticket to a cult following
this, and theres aids main story quests like this that exist solely to trigger my autism's desire to have no failed quests in my log
I think you could complete that (while going in solo) by talking to Cleaver's henchdwarf's at the door of the gambling den but telling them to wait. Or something like that, I managed to get a completed status without taking Cleaver's help.
3, obviously