Choose 3 franchises to make their debut on the Switch next year.
Choose 3 other franchises to banish to the void, so they never get another game.
Choose 3 franchises to make their debut on the Switch next year
Other urls found in this thread:
>Dead franchise
>Dead franchise and company
>Dead franchise
>Most likely, Shiggy loves it
>Dead franchise
>Dead franchise
>Dead francchise
>Dead franchise and company
>Dead company
>Dead franchise
>Probably, they have the funds to make games now
Everything from F-Zero onwards is Dead Franchise.
>Wario Land
>Mario vs. DK
>NES Remix
>Punch Out
>Star Fox (they can’t possibly fuck it up AGAIN right?)
>Endless Ocean
>NES remix
Endless Ocean was just kind of boring as a franchise, and NES Remix was lazy, but why get rid of Wave Race?
F-Zero, Wario Land, WaveRace
I never played it so banishing it doesn’t have any impact on me. There are probably better options to banish honestly.
Well fuck you, it's coming back
Bring over
>Wario Land
Kill off
>Star Fox
>Paper Mario
>rhythm heaven
>wario ware
>punch out
>mario vs donkey kong
>electro plankton
>advance wars
sorry advance wars, but i wouldnt be able to stand seeing you get butchered by modern day intelligent systems