This has to be the worst Action RPG I have ever played in my life...

This has to be the worst Action RPG I have ever played in my life. It's just a pile of shit and I can't believe people like this
>can't even fucking do something as basic as JUMP so verticality is non-existent
>tied iframes to a stat in a 3D game
>garbage controls with bad deadzones
>the piss poor quality of animations with no weight
>shit tier enemy placement
>+50 different instances of nonsensical environmental design
>reddit PTDE pandering
>barren hallway level design with nothing to even discover but the same copypasta weapons from the beginning, no interactivity in the environment at all
>bloated and piss easy boss roster
>bosses are reskins
>reused bosses from previous games
>nonexistant lighting
>nonexistant atmosphere
>shit tier OST
>half assed word-building and lore (taht was all a dream!!)
>had to re-release the game months after release and made it even worse

Imagine liking this game

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Glad someone else gets it.

DS2 is dogshit compared to one and three.

Idk, I had fun with it
You fags sometimes take video gaymes too seriously


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it's why we're here

I only enjoy the souls games if I use cheats to get max stats and good equipment from the start. I’ve never enjoyed bullet sponge enemies in games, don’t see why I shouldn’t remove that crap in these.

by a shit game yes

Any recommendations to beat the pursuer as a mage? I'm still a newfag for Souls games.

it's not as good as one but MILES above the absolute FLAMING TRASHPILE that is DS3.

You had to be around during the game's heyday to play the PVP, it's the only redeeming factor of DS2 - the fight club and pvp build variety was kino

You're actually a huge faggot

>>can't even fucking do something as basic as JUMP
Fastest I've ever stopped reading a retard's post, good job OP. You really do make idiocy seem like a competition.

Dark Souls 3 did it worse.

It's a VIDEO GAME. They prioritized gameplay and environmental diversity over pandering to your autism.

Literally every Souls game has them.

Dark Souls 2 is the best Dark Souls PERIOD.
>least linear in the series
>most diverse environments in the series
>longest in the series
>most amount of weapons in the series
>most amount of armor and customization in the series
>biggest build variety in the series
>most amount of magic/miracles/hex/pyros
>best online mode in the series
>easiest to start a build in the series
>best girls in the series
>best and most SOULful covenants
>dual wielding and power stance
>offers rewards for fun challenges such as no death run
>NG+ has new enemies/items/events and some remixed bosses
>the only game in the series which doesn't force you to grind
>3 weapon slots in each hand
>4 ring slots
>reddit hates it

QOL improvements introduced by Dark Souls 2
>you can skip logos at startup (without mods)
>R3 to jump
>you can choose how many of the same item you want to consume at the same time
>weapon durability bar below weapon icon
>inventory items displayed in grids instead of list
>climb ladders faster and being able to let go of ladders
>roll through doors to open them faster
>can turn a specific area to NG+ mode (Bonfire Ascetic)
>can continue your playthrough after beating the last boss and can choose when to start NG+
>controller vibrates when summoned

Parry his attacks infront of the trebuchet things and fire them.

ds2's multiplayer is actually surprisingly active still. I replayed the game last month and I was getting constant hits with invasions and summons

I swear to christ I have seen this exact post regularly for the last six years. Do you really need validation from Zig Forums on this? You just posted everything this board already thinks.

I don’t enjoy playing CoD on veteran difficulty because of retarded damage done by enemies, and I don’t enjoy bullet sponges. I see no reason to put up with that bs in these games.

I admit defeat

>being such a fucking retard he thinks something as simple as not being able to do basic actions like jumping is a sign of a good arpg
Holy shit Soulsucks really are mentally ill and don't play games.

You can jump in every Souls game

No you can't. Not the vertical air movement with aerial options you retard

>No you can't
Yes you can

No you can't. Webm related is jumping. vertical air movement with aerial options, Soulsshit doesn't. It's that bad

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The game is designed around its difficulty, what the fuck is the fun if you just go through every area without thought and one-shotting everything.

I'm guessing you're also the type of idiot who summons for every boss fight because they can't be fucked to learn attack patterns and how to avoid taking damage and just wants to R1 a boss until the big red line goes all the way down

I use steam emulator on all my games, so I can’t sign into multiplayer. And I own the game, so I can do whatever I want with it. Anyone who develops video games is inherently inferior, so I don’t care about what their intentions are.

It's easily the worst game in the series because Miyazaki wasn't involved, no need to make a thread about it, everyone knows it's horrible.
>can't even fucking do something as basic as JUMP so verticality is non-existent
You can sprint+jump but it's not necessary for most of the game, and jumping is difficult when you're wearing armor so there's that.

You're wrong

>DS2 is a bad game
what else is new

true I put my sign down at Iron Keep and got summoned about 12 times in an hour just for shits yesterday

Majula is comfy

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Nah I beat it, garbage from beginning to end, didn't bother with the DLC's.

>didn't bother with the DLC's.

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Dark souls 2 it the bezt cause I'm a delusional trannie also it was my first souls game, imma go dilate now.

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2 and 3 would be much better if you removed NPC invasions. They’re trash.

God damn forlorn