Well Zig Forums?
Well Zig Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Roger > Leela > Brian > Bob > Booby
i wish
I don’t watch Fox animated comedies but I’m pretty sure none of these are the main character of their respective show.
Bob is the main character of Bob's Burgers.
More like Louise.
Futurama is my favorite show out of these five but Bobby is a more interesting character than leela
Lets say I had to pick one of these five as a party member, I would go
Bobby > Bob > Season 1 Brian > Leela > Season 1 Roger > Roger > Brian
This. Roger is insanely OP with random alien powers, and Leela is the most competent otherwise.
What did they mean by this?
Hwat's this thing, boy?
Hey, Booby
fake and gay
>They had to throw Bob's Burgers in there to ruin a perfect "collaboration"
Why is he the only main character in OP’s pic?
I know Bobby is not KOTH’s main character.
I know Leila is not Futurama’s main character.
I know Brian is not FG’s main character.
I know Roger is not AD’s main character.
American dad is better than any of the other shows in that lineup prove me wrong
Maybe not futurama
It's really fucking surreal to think that bob's burgers came out around 8 years ago. That was the year I moved out of my parents house and I've never owned a TV since.
>All of these IPs are now owned by Disney
troubling times
Futurama and King of the Hill takes a shit on anything else on there.
Bart, oh nvm...
Roger >>>> the rest
Ps3 has the best games
Roger hands down
His lower body strength is insane
Wait, where's The Simpsons? Are they not also Fox?
Connie's dad took them all
Why is fry siding with Bob?
Why is Leela Siding with Peter?
Why do Hank, Peter, and Lois look like they wanna kick the player's ass?
Why is Louise so happy?
Why is Roger so bored?
Why is Peggy so far away from hank?
Where the fuck is Peggy looking?
Was there ANY communication between the artists when they made this image?
At least it's something with staying power and not "Border Town" or that tacky looking show about forest rangers.
are you that same guy who gets angry about Cleveland Show being cancelled?
He does look kinda like Chad Warden kek
Bob, every time. His family summon is just too OP, even if half the time Louise or Gene give him a debuff or otherwise fuck up the quest.
I didn't need to see that.
EA owns the rights to Simpsons games, those fucks refuse to make new games.
Maybe if you're 10
>Why is fry siding with Bob?
>Why is Leela Siding with Peter?
As if Fry and Leela always saw eye to eyes.
>Why is Louise so happy?
The chance to wail on random strangers? Of course she's thrilled.
>Why is Roger so bored?
He's so far out of their league it isn't even fair.
Sup beetches
Family Guy is the worst show of the bunch