Why did the covenant dry the seas?

why did the covenant dry the seas?

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Because the flood had already taken over Halo.

The sea is right there.

you cant dry the sea. water is always just as wet as any other water

They were making a very large swimming pool for their Dyson sphere.


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They were using a giant portal to move the water to other combine worlds.

To fuel their Volvic Revive plants

Remnant of cut content. I'm not sure if there's an in-universe explanation other than > because they're evil

Maybe they're stealing the water from Earth and distributing it across their other owned territories

but why? aren't they a interdimensional empire? water is common as fuck everywhere in the universe

They also didn't have wheeled vehicles before coming to Earth. Combine are fans of doing things in the stupidest manner possible.

no it isn't

>water is common as fuck everywhere in the universe

american education lmao


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why strip the planet of everything else but leave the water?

They glassed everything, not just the seas.

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Five seconds in google

Because it's a waste of energy, harvesting genetic material and readily available slave labor makes more sense than wasting time and resources on fucking water.

why bother with wheels if you already can fly/walk where you want to?
combine simply enhances slave races and repurposes their technology instead of making new things, they are meant to be a resource you use instead of a civilisation you waste resources on.
this is the main reason why combine in hl2 use APCs, conventional firearms and trains instead of super high tech alien shit

Because they needed to capture the amazing pirate Adam Shepard during the events of Hunt Down The Freeman, obviously. He was such a great pirate they drained to ocean so he couldn't be a pirate anymore.

Agreed, they should be catching pokemon creatures instead.


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yeah but that's all ice water, air water, hot water or otherwise gay water. earth style water that comes out of a tap is rare

classic Coombine

>otherwise gay water

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Not even /vr/ like this shit series.

>Incomprehensibly large interdimensional empire that can build dyson spheres
>can't melt ice
Why are the combine such fuckups?

It's all about scale and cost-benefit analysis. It may be just cheaper to teleport liquid water from one place than another than to melt frozen water in some situations.

When thinking about the Combine, you have to try to think not as an individual but as a souless mega-corp trying to optimize a mathematical function.

i like it

does the combine actually have dyson spheres?

Only as an unreleased idea from the main writer. And you know how things constantly change during real development in this series. It's tough to call canon but it's at least pretty close.

Not officially, but Marc Laidlaw wrote a blog about what would have happened in episode 3. It mentions a dyson sphere.

He also hinted at them in his BreenGrub twitter "fanfic."

How did valve get away with this

i mean it makes sense to have dyson spheres if you ever do significant expansion outside of your home system, but at the same time why would you need slave labor if you have the energy output of entire stars at your disposal? surely you could build relatively simplistic robots or other programmable bodies that would be much more flexible in more environments and tasks, and probably wouldn't rise up against you at the same time?

i'd bet on biological life forms to be more moldable and easier to cull on brink of revolt than AI tbqh

underrated fpbp

Fuck me dude

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As said before, you have to think in terms of cost-benefit analysis on insanely large scales with massive legacy cost concerns. Robots might just not be worth it at the scale of whatever middle-manager Combine bureaucrat is running the numbers at.