Another failed competitor to pokemon has come up short once again

"Digimon: The Pokemon Killer"
"Yokai Watch: The Pokemon Killer"
"Temtem: The Pokemon Killer"

How does this keep happening?

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Temtem had potentinal but they became they/them

Branding shit as "the X killer" is a falseflag done by X themselves to turn their larger fanbase against whatever the smaller new one is and almost always leads to the latter's quick failure.

no matter how good the game is it cant kill the biggest video game franchise ever


It literally hasn't even had a full release yet calm the fuck down

they didn't need to even be "The Pokemon Killer", they just needed to be appealing, but both their humans and their monsters looked like shit

Yokai Watch literally is the pokemon killer in the sense it's taken over Japan's youth consciousness. Every kid there knows it

Pokemon fans like OP are rabid autists that will try to sabotage games they have no intention of even playing because Pokemon is literally their religion.



I hate what modern pokemon has become and was going to buy this but then I learned that the devs were trannies and that the gameplay wasnt even good so I decided to tell them to fuck off instead. The only thing I hate more than soulless corporatism taking advantage of consumers is trannies

Yokai Watch had Pokemon scared shitless to the point where gen7 tried to copy it as much as possible because they were so scared of losing their audience in japan.

>"Behold, our newest Pokemon killer!"
>"Okay, but where are the pokemon?"

Attached: theythem.png (600x722, 122.84K)

It wasn’t that, it was the awful generic monsters

The gameplay is legitimately better than Pokemon has been for years when it comes to the actual battles. It’s everything else that’s fucking it up
>not enough variety early game in monsters available
>need to grind a LOT in the early game to get any kind of traction
>functionally identical to Pokemon in that youre just going from point A to point B down a set path. No actual open world to explore
>to that end, gatekeeping everywhere so that you don’t get too far ahead before leveling up enough
>breeding was a bigger hassle than it had to be and wasn’t any fun

>"Digimon: The Pokemon Killer"
>Existed before Pokemon did
If anything Pokemon was the Digimon Killer.

Will pokefags ever cope with the fact that Yokai made poke it’s bitch? If it wasn’t for GO and the redirection to copy yokai, gen 7 would have been doomed.

>not enough variety early game in monsters available
This is my only real Issue with Temtem so far, The distribution of stuff you can catch on the first Island is pretty pathetic, they could at the very least put something like Platypet/Zephyruff there into some out of the way spot just so there is something more to use other than like 4 things.

Because Pokémon is a "Catch Em All" Gatcha as a front, in actuality it's a dungeon crawler using Gacha as a mask. Think about it, you use HMs to traverse, you encounter overworld sprites to initiate battles. It's an FF game with Gacha in it. But the guys trying to clone it don't realize that and they just copy and paste monster catching and raising. Missing the point and there are several other JRPG elements that are mixed into it that the Cloners never copy.

So it's a fulfilling loop of failure. Like Pokémon has several mini-games too and even the Amie feature, nobody owns "Play with your pet" mode but nobody seems to want to clone it either, they cloners just seem to want to clone without copying the mini-game gimmicks too, jumping around all the lawsuits produces a lackluster game. How about instead of cloning or killing Pokémon, just be BETTER at it.

Elaborate, I stopped at ORAS. How did Pokémon copy Yokai Watch?

You could make a Monster collection game that's better in every conceivable way and People still wouldn't care because it doesn't have Charizard in it, Pokemon is basically a religion at this point and is too big to fail.

I don't think you know what gacha is.

I don't remember anyone claiming digimon was going to kill pokemon

Unironically the real Pokemon killer is Pokemon itself.

By that logic Charizard must be included in every game and a game without him would fail?

>Doesn't present why he thinks this
At least showcase why you think my usage of Gacha is wrong, Gacha isn't just RNG lootboxes you dumb faggot, it's the core of why the Pokéball looks the way it does and why Yokai used one similar. Pokémon and Yokai are both based on Gacha, you're just using Gacha in the sense that it's "Random Toy Prize" when in Japan it just means Surprise.

>If it wasn’t for GO
It would be very interesting to see the alternate history where GO never happened, I think its pretty obvious that gen7/8 were heavily riding off the success of GO, LGPE obviously would never have existed too.

>all you need to do to stop this shit is not be anglo

You know what I meant, if you want to take someones argument more than just literally then go to law school.
>By that logic Charizard must be included in every game and a game without him would fail?
Gamefreak and The Pokemon company unironically believes this to be true.

People keep making games without realizing pokemon is a merchandise franchise first, and a game franchise second.

GO is the main reason why they switched from RNG to overworld encounters, which even in it's current bare bones state is a step in the right direction. More questionable influance is Raids (and dynamax as a weird need to justify them)

Played Temtem for a few hours and couldn't stand it.

I finished barely finished Sword and Shield and could not be more disappointed with it.

Nexomon, on the other hand, made me sink 40 hours into it. Already captured all dragons and tyrants and I still want more of it.

Attached: Nexomon-Extinction-PS4.jpg (1920x1080, 468.58K)

designs were just bad, being they/them doesn't intrinsically cause that, sjw shit out there can have solid character design despite having their political views

Comparing video games is asking the wrong question, the brand of Pokemon is what people care about, just look at how many people would be willing to give up the genre completely as long as it still was called Pokemon.

As a kid I was a pokemon fan without even knowing there were pokemon games. Toys, cards and the anime were the only things kids my age knew in preschool/early primary school.

The funny thing is... the game is from a spanish developer team and that pronoun debate bullshit hasn't reached Spain (mainly because the language itself doesn't allow it).

So I wonder what were they thinking when they included that. Did theyeven understand what they they've done?