Are you happy with Mileena's design? She looks kute
Are you happy with Mileena's design? She looks kute
She represents chinese people very well, ugly and will eat everything that moves.
based chink destroyer
>Fixed the weird double mouth look
>Still isn't in a leotard
Shit. Put her and all the MK girls back into proper fucking attire, and then I'll consider playing a gore simulator again.
I'm so glad they didn't gave her the retarded double mouth
She is more horror than kute.. like a Japanese ghost. Do not want. I am sad..
Are people just gonna spend the next two months shitposting about how she looks?
looks mediocre but i expected her to be even worse
For being so annoying for interracial races they ruined Kitana and Liu Kang by making Kitana a chink too and that of course ruined Mileena's design too
When you kiss her, where do you do it? On the teeth? or the forehead?
I miss her lips
More characters to come?
Very ugly model. Horrendous.
she looks okay i guess
>by making Kitana a chink
i fucking hate her hair. everything else is fine
Yeah I was trying to put my finger on it because her mouth actually looks way better but they somehow messed up the NORMAL parts of her face instead
Is it true that Mileena had sex with Reptile, Baraka, Goro, Reiko and Tanya? Because that's pretty based
>mileena finally looks like a monster
>waifu fags go crazy
I hate that this game fanbase is full of waifuincels
how is it bad or are you just going to shitpost like allways
I like this design more than Two-Mouth McGee. I hope they fix Sheeva next game
Still no kenshi, reptile, smoke, sektor, Quan chi.
Miss me with this shit.
The absolute state of Mortal Cuckbat.
It's definitely a step in the right direction.
Sorry sweaty, Mileenachads are here to stay
What the fuck is this fridge midget?
Based and Taiwanpilled
yap shitpost fuck off
John Rambo is also announced for MK11. Sylvester Stallone is reprising his role as him as well.
>off-model fanart
Absolute cope. Post her MK11 shit desi
eskimo kisses for mileena
>awfully wide, almost rectangular head
>weird looking, out of proportion arms
yeah it's not the monster look that's the disturbing part
Completely accurate
Teeth obviously,so she'll rip my lips apart in one bite
>Most wholesome family
Who would had guessed Cage and Shao Kahn would had become the best fathers.
I like Jade
Why did they turn Kitana and her into asians?
She looks like Mileena.
i can fell just how assblasted you are
This is the best post we've had in years. Bless you
more like tranny kombat lmao
I just want the sexy clothes back.
>he says while defending product
She kisses like a dog.
All tongue.
>Why did they change [Character]'s race?
Pick your poison
fuck off shitposter
Not sure about Reptile, but the others have all but confirmed or heavily implied.
Ash Williams eventually
Nothing I haven't seen driving through Jersey.
The fuck is this argument? They were always Asian kunoichis. What other race could a character whose name is Kitsune + Katana be
What was kitanna before?
They aleady have Lui Kang,Shang Tsung,Kung Lao, for asians. Kitana/Mileena always had a middel eastern look to her
>retards don’t get this is a FUCK YOU from Boon because all of the retards crying for her since day
>his ruse is so good even Zig Forums fell for it
This man is based as fuck
>Mortal Kombat X
There are no waifu's in this game
You fucking failed.
She's always looked like this until MKX.
Giving her lips and completely changing her teeth was pretty stupid. Guess that's why they went back to her classic look.