No new GTA until 2024

>No new GTA until 2024

We got too cocky rockstarbros

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Your thread is repetitive and shit and you don't even feel bad about it, fuck you

trump is going to remain president forever and his lifespan will be artificially extended once the civil war happens and every commiefornia faggot gets hanged

bruh i just want to vape dmt and play animal crossing

Buying voters

Why would trump end his presidency early in 2024 instead of 2025?

>California obsession

Lmao, stay jealous of the best state in the USA in wealth, weather, education, health, culture, happiness, and economy.


too bad you can't keep the lights on

First Skyrim and now this.

Game development cycles are becoming way too long. This is absurd. There's no reason why a game should take 10 years, let alone 5 to be released.

Not first in even one of those haha

seething flyovers when they realize california exist

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God I wish someone would directly compete with GTA and do a better job at it. Not retarded Saints Row shit but a really good fully baked crime simulator.

I voted biden today bro

Yeah thanks solely to a tiny collection of mega corporations in silicon valley. Without them your state is a de jure shithole.

anyone think with the recent state of affairs, Chicago would be the perfect place for the next GTA
>big city
>lake setting for outdoors shit
>deep political history that can play into the story, one of the characters can be a corrupt politicians hiring other characters to do dirty work
>dirty cops
>lots of sports activity, maybe one of the storyline is becoming a sports magnate, sports management mini-game
>gang activities all the time
>riots and looting can be used to show off next gen by packing the streets with large crowds of NPC’s
It’d be perfect

Saints Row 2 is objectively the best GTA game.

GTA games usually take a long time to make, it is like street fighter. They don't make a new game every year, instead, every several years.

You're right, it will take exactly 4 years from November 3rd 2020 to develop a new GTA.

Sorry, you're gonna have to speak up. I can barely hear you from the aircraft I'm flying over whatever state you're from.

Rockstar using trump as an excuse for being shit is always great. They should just admit they got nothing.

Get your bullshit-as-all-fuck politics out of here NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It will be shit and mostly dedicated to online anyways.

the amount of trumpie cope in this thread is giving me hard peepee

What GTAs have even had president references? I actually don't remember any


yeaaahh no. Jew York City only got away with it because of how popular it is globally. Chicago is just another deeply depressing city. It would feel just like Watchdogs.

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reality check
so many 3rd world beaners play GTA:V on PS4 that it self-changes the game's title on PSN Live to Spanish
A few other do that, but Sony is a roach brand now

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>implying drumpf will live through to 2024

Who cares?
It wouldn't be good

>Republitards insult the richest and most productive states in the country and claim Shithole City, Arkansas is the best place to live

A-hyuck we jus gots our first tech-no-nology store here so I can buys my uncle father a new ham radio god dangit!

I want a serious crime atmosphere. Saints Row is not bad it's just a totally different vibe from GTA/Sleeping Dogs/Mafia II. I mean GTA is satirical but not outright silly.
I'd actually love a GTA largely without humor, just gut-wrenching violence, death, tragedy, cruelty, etc. which actual irl rime is associated with.


There's a fuck ton of shit that goes into making a large game. 10 years is very extreme but 5 really isn't unreasonable

for like the 0.001% megacorps that outsource everything to china and don't pay taxes
droughts every year
sure translesbian demons lecturing your kids sounds like quality learning
you are burning to death and your air is all smoke
shitting on the street? wow just like india!
just driving around a freeway near soCal gives me the impression people are not too happy
big corpos that tax heaven their earnings and make chinks work for cents a day doesn't count

Imagine Mafia remastered but in the modern day.

>all this butthurt from a former liberal president

Imagine if they actually elect an actual right wing president

Honestly, I’m just hoping some impressionable nigger plays it and tries to act it out in real life.

promoting crime culture isn't cool
I hope Rockstar gets sanctioned

>*shits on the street*
>*gets raped*
ahh yes i love californian culture

The really are running out of excuses huh?

Not gonna read all that, but the fact that you know all those statistics about a state you hate so much just shows how great we are. Rent free baby!

GTA would be dope around mexico, let us take over cartel territories and become like the chapo

The Tyranny of King Trump.

It's almost guaranteed at this point that Trump will lose the election. It's not 2016. He fucked up everything he possible could this year and now he's quarantined with Covid.

>Not gonna read all that
with that education of yours of course you can't

There's a split that's occurring in the industry right now. As games get bigger in budget and longer development cycles, the gap between the big corporate fat cats and the little guy grows by the day. Forget the middle man, he's out.

You're either a massive corporate developer or you're an indiependent studio making niche titles blow up to game of the week.

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If they were productive they wouldn't need constant bailouts nor would people be fleeing the State. Tesla was basically the only genuinely innovative company left, but now they're leaving. Enjoy your taxes and street-shitting and protests and lockdown lmao.

People are fleeing Commiefornia for a reason. It's become a hellscape.

Enjoy Californians relocating in your state and destroying it just like they destroyed California.

I don't know man, I've been playing mostly AA games recently. Vermintide 2, Hunt: Showdown, EVE Online.

Listen, I wanna starve off the lower class just as much as the next commie. But voting Biden? Just ain't gonna work.

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California develops literally all of the technology you use

>GTA largely without humor, just gut-wrenching violence, death, tragedy, cruelty, etc
Sounds pretty good

No, I give all my thanks to Taiwan and South Korea

When has the president of the united states ever been involved in a gta plot? what does that even matter?

Isn't there a way for small teams to make AAA-esque games? Or at least do you think it will be possible in the near future?
I mean the main distinction is graphics right?

lmao bernouts and commies can't stop losing, and i can't stop ridin' with biden

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fuck off Zig Forums

Not for long. Tiktok should have been a wake-up call.

Then you'd have thank China too.

>pajeets fly to California to code because the locals are too busy looking for places to shit
>ha ha California is so amazing

My dream.
Also, imagine GTA online but with zero pay to win and instead just fun missions that you can also do solo.
When I think about what could have been I begin to truly hate R*.


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Scale, graphics, attention to detail, etc
There's lots of indie games with a hell of a lot better gameplay and stories than AAA games. But they don't have the time, money, manpower to beat them in every aspect

This is all the more reason to make another serious GTA game. America in 2020 is more wacky and chaotic than any past GTA game ever could be.

Nah, they just have to wait another month.

So if they start development this next week when Trump dies of Corona, when will we see the first trailer? 4 years?

Well, that's the three countries where your technology comes from.

Is there even anyone left of the original team? And GTAV was shit.

do you actually think that telling someone they have acres of cheap property to do whatever they want with is an insult while you live in an expensive small box surrounded by smelly 3rd world imports and trannies?

california belongs to mexico

poo in loos GET OUT