
We did it gamers, we threatened the team enough they changed Peter.

Are you happy now?

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Maguire was in good movies, he wasn't good.

>muh deff treffs
>pls buy our game, da ebil gaymers who are totally not made up/blown massively out of proportion r bullying us :(((((
Poor little corporation. This publicity stunt must be hard on them.

If this is real (Which it isn't) then yeah I would be happy.

In fact as soon as I read "Dev is receiving death threats to himself and his family for changing spiderman face" the first thing I thought was "Good".

Fuck off Tobey was great

He was the first movie Spider-man a lot hinged on his performance

i will now buy your game

Leonard DeCaprio and Tobey Macguire are absolute sleaze bags

He was a good old fashioned peter Parker.

At least he wasn’t Harry Potter Parker. You know who I’m talking about.

Why is this a bad thing? Tobey is best Spider-Man.


Because developers are stupid

>t. James Franco

I really hope the multiverse movie happens and he shows up.

Who are you talking about?

can't wait for thanos to show up demanding rent

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how do you go from this

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wtf is that real

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Andrew Garfield.

Please tell me this isn't real

I don't remember this scene. Is this one of those deleted cuts?

it is

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Spiderman 3 is a good movie.

Venom fanboys can eat a dick.

What the fuck is this

based, but venom was good too
holy shit MJ looks great

Attached: spiderman poster.jpg (1536x2732, 644.38K)

They weren't good movies, you were just young

Try watching them now, it's Super Sentai-tier shit


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Was cgi even needed here?
Pretty sure a real acrobat could have done that shit for far less money than cgi.

Capeshitters are mentally ill.

nah they still good, i mean this scene for example is iconic youtube.com/watch?v=HStPxrLfM9k

Holy shit is this real?

They've remained untopped in terms of superhero movies though.
They're the best of a genre.

Raimi suit best suit
i cannot fucking believe some retards think the garfield suit was any good in either of the movies, that lanky british prettyboy twink will NEVER EVER be peter parker

marvel is obsessed with making everything CGI, they are actual fucking enemies of practical effects

just like the atrocity that is the hobbit movies

Attached: furry slut laughing.png (186x310, 27.72K)

>Early 2000 movie has CGI with better details and physics
How? Is this pajeets poor skills or lack of soul? Or both?

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>it's Super Sentai-tier shit
So it's good? Next you'll be telling us Supaidaman isn't good.

Attached: Leopardon, Sword Vicar.webm (720x480, 2.64M)

lack of soul of course

Attached: spiderman2 bts.webm (800x600, 2.93M)

he stinks and i don't like him

Why the fuck even change his face in the first place?

>that poster

pure, unadulterated SOUL. other cape shit movies will never compare

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They were crafting kino back then, today this would all be CGI youtube.com/watch?v=kDY0WKvFwQ8

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Toby is based.
vastly superior to the nogger and that kikefaced Seth Rogen brother.
Insomniac shitters can eat shit and die

I did and they are still miles better than most capeshit these days

Does it get good? The first few episodes, each one had a two minute climbing sequence with nothing going on.

Because Marvel/Disney

You fag, watched them not long ago and they still holds up, definition of soul.

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No, where is Mr Aziz?

nah man i rewatched recently and all three raimi movies are good. the holland movies are not that good imo

Is it just me or did big blockbuster movie CGI peak around 2006-2009?
>Pirates 2 & 3
>Spider-man 3
>Transformers 1
>Harry Potter 5 & 6
That's just off the top of my head. All these movies vary in quality in other departments of course, but the CG in all those still hold up more than a decade later and not only look better than webm related, but also better than scores of other recent blockbusters.

Good for a nostalgia rush and impressive for the time, but the special effects aged pretty poorly (still better than the contemporary cheap-ass CGI will look in 20 years), the camera work is far from the best you can get and the acting is way over the top

I will now buy your game.

Absolutely based, fuck retards.

They still do the climbing stuff but it's more like a minute later on. Someone stole the Leopardon suit around the late 10s or early 20s so every fight from then on is stock finishers making Leopardon objectively one of the strongest mechs in Tokusatsu because he never gets hit. Fights are pretty good and the comedy is ridiculous like the Spider-man Boogie. Oh, and the suit gets progressively more terrifying.

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Why are the new suits so fucking bad compared to the Raimi suit? It's such a perfect translation into live action that looks realistic and tangible but also heroic and true to the comics at the same time.

Attached: spider-man-movie-suit-cdaaf.jpg (640x360, 68.8K)

they were doing a lot more practical mixed with CGI back then but lately they go full CGI and it's more noticeable

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pirates 4 was alright, 5 was borderline.
It gotten to the point where it cheaper for them to cgi shit cause then they can edit it like later with less hassle then a reshoot with practical effect+cgi.

Shut up bitch

Still good.

The Dark Knight did that later and not because of the tryhard edgy realism

>cg a gun prop into another gun prop
>cg a living room

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Early CGI was used to recreate parts that would be impossible otherwise, and msot studios were aware of how "bad" or wonky it was and tried to hide is as much as possible, while nowday's CGI is used as a "just do it with CGI and move on".
I'm aware there's a lot of CGI in regular movies for simple stuff like backgrounds or enviroment details that's barely noticeable, but for the parts that we know have to be done that way it's always so blatant.

I also wish we had more movies like Shaolin Socces or Kung Fu Hustle where you can tell they know the VFX are shit or very obvious but compensate it by making the whole situation so over the top you're on for the ride.

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They just used their tools better and made movies instead of video game cutscenes. the blurring, dynamic lighting and even the way that the camera is always moving makes it look so much better than that flat shit from the latest Spiderboy movie.
Peter should be a man with a job. Nuff said!

Og Spiderman doesn't count, shit was classic

meanwhile..... youtube.com/watch?v=6BmX5X1loa0

holy shit KEK

This is the future, user.
Remember The Hobbit? Everything will be greenscreen.
Unless you have a huge boner for practical effects like Nolan.

will this ever be beaten? or even brought down from unmatched status?


just the flute section alone has more soul than the entire decade of nu-marvel

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>better than soulless corporate crap
no shit, doesn't mean it's actual quality stuff
And I loved them as a teen

fuck you, he was way better than garfield

peak SOUL
lifeless husk product

>car doesn't even move from the pushoff
>action figure plastic spidey
Why the fuck do you even need to CGI that? A stuntman could jump like that!
CGI truly ruined film
So lazy

based and Ramipilled

will be amazing when we can use 10th gen tensor cores to do this in games in real-time.

uh, that's pretty racist and anti-semitic

Paying an indian intern is cheaper than a professional gun prop

garfieldcuck seething

Jesus, if it's gonna be CGI atleast put some soul on it

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I threatened nobody and I'm not responsible for what other people who share the same hobby as me do. Hell, I'm not responsible for people who purchase the same shit as me.

I'd buy a ps5 just for this. Wouldn't even be mad about miles

they rush the fuck out of it, the same thing happening with lot AAA games.
Just watch the ending credits of these movies, they hire a fuckton of VFX studios and digital artists just to be able to finish the movie on time.