What game allows me to be a mindless sheep?

What game allows me to be a mindless sheep?

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world of warcraft haha

world of warcraft

more people would wear masks if the government told them not to

Pretty much any of them.

silicon valley. Miss playing that game

This entire board.

This entire site.

The entire internet at this point.


good post

I still dont understand what could be bad about having to wear a mask how does this control the populace in anyway

Gacha impact
Overpriced nintendo ports like 3D collection and link's awakening
Ball games
Current fotm game

Is that a toilet?

in kenshi, you could spend a few hours playing as a slave

no, that's a bidet

any game, life in general
there is no escape user

>he goes outside

>Being so much of a contrarian you refuse to protect yourself from a deadly disease to "stick it to the man".

I will never understand this mindset

obedience training, submission. the goal of propaganda is not to sway opinion but to humiliate and make the populace feel powerless. what is more humiliating that going along with something you know not to be true on a visceral level?

cast him

Sheep simulator
Zig Forums
Fire embelm
pretty much you are a mindless drone unless you exclusively play loli rape eroge

wew, that means I'm safe

OP is a chink who promotes American death

>what is more humiliating that going along with something you know not to be true on a visceral level?

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That's kind of big leap from paper on your nose

No one in sweden wear cuck-masks. When will amerifats and their cuckshed meme apologize to sven and göran?

>he still thinks it's a deadly disease

From the CDC: the best estimate fatality rates by age group. Funny how this got no traction in the media.

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The government (and doctors) was literally telling people not to wear masks in the beginning. Saying it didn't matter, cloth masks do nothing, surgical masks must be reserved for doctors and hospitals, wearing a mask in daily life has no appreciable affect on the spread of airborne illness and improper use could actually make it worse, social distancing and proper handwashing matter the most... but then governments came under fire politically for not doing enough to stop the spread of the virus so they mandated useless masks to placate people and make them feel like the government was taking action and feel like they can really do something about the virus. It's literally all political bullshit, cloth masks are useless and always have been.

Genshin Impact

Because people are retarded like .

Stupid schizo fag

Who else here /pige/?

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le piggy piggo piggerina

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Real life

did you forget about the part where there's an airborne virus pandemic and health officials in every country are telling people to wear masks to prevent transmission as symptoms could be fatal and as to not overloard public health systems?

god I fucking hate you people so fucking much. Humanity will die because of ignorance like this.

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ok bro

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>the goal of propaganda is not to sway opinion

It is and of course old people are going to die the easiest.

Pig orgasms last for 20 minutes to an hour.

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I smile for every dead american

voting republican

no you see, he knows "on the visceral level" that they're wrong

>fake sockpuppet account created to spread fear and disinfo
Try again, glowie


>wearing mask makes you mindless sheep
>blind support of reality show host president, working your fingers to the bone for your millionaire boss, proudly announcing you don't want free healthcare = free thinker

Take an English class, Run-On Sentence-kun.

What game allows me to be a fucking retard and endanger my own life and everyone around me?

Wanna know why they did that? Because Trump was a fucking idiot who chose to not get prepared and there wasn't enough masks at the time, so they had to keep as many for those dealing with the sick. Obama back before he left office warned the world about an upcoming pandemic as professionals were saying we were overdo fort another after H1N1 and was putting together a program to deal with it. Trump in 2018 got rid of all those who were working on this and stopped everything involved with it. Then when shit hit the fan he straight up lied about it not being an issue because he didn't want to "look bad" in the press.

looks tasty

Reminder that the whole world is made out of lizard
Country outside of America is only doing this because we need to control America and America only