Which one is better?

Which one is better?

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Tropical Freeze > 3DWorld > Returns

All of them better than the sandbox mario games

Returns if it weren't for the shake to roll, and the faggy Tikis

Returns beats 3D World by a land slide. Literally soul vs soulless.

Returns, they should make a third installment for the Switch

Neither. Genshin Impact is better.


go to bed sandbox child. mario is a game about obstacle courses.

Reminder Nintendo doesn't consider Galaxy games to be sandbox Mario

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Hello zoomer wannabe boomer

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this, but not necessarily the better than sandbox part
because they're not

Returns was shit. 3D World wins by default. A better comparison would be 3D World vs Tropical Freeze or 3D Land vs Returns.
3D Land is a tame, dull 3D World and Returns is a tame, dull Tropical Freeze. 3D World and Tropical Freeze are surprisingly top notch within their series.

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The DKC games are great but dragged down by having ten times too many collectables.

Ain’t nothing beating Tropical Freeze. Tropical Freeze is near perfection.

Just emulate bro

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returns by a country mile

I'll never understand 3d world's popularity, it has terrible level design and movement on top of having zero challenge before the final world

Both are the best in their series IMO

>not having the 3ds version

You think 3D World is the best Mario game ever?

there's also a gecko code I believe if you want to play on original hardware.

Circlepad is AIDS for precise movement and the graphics are distractingly bad on a XL. The best way to play Returns is on dolphin with a shake button in my opinion

Yes, it's a creative, perfect hybrid of 2D Mario and 3D Mario. The OST is the best in the series as well. The only people that realize this are the ones who haven't played it front to back.
The fact that the Switch version has faster gameplay and will add harder levels will ascend it even further

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The only people that realize this are the ones who HAVE*
im sorry i didnt sleep

get some sleep, my funny little friend.

This , I mapped the shaking stuff to a button where I can just hold it down to roll instead of needing to repeatedly tapping it over and over again or shaking and shaking it again and it turned a game I was not really that big on into a way better experience. It didn't even make anything easier either besides the optional pointless "whack the Tiki to death when you beat the boss" thing. I wish Tropical Freeze opted to make it so you just hold the button down to roll instead of spamming the button, it's better than shaking obviously but man is that sort of annoying and tiring after a long play session.

Based and truthpilled. 3D World is kino, really hoping the port delivers on the extra content.

>NDMBified 3D Mario somehow isn’t soulless
Just admit you like soulless games.

3D Mario games don't get NSMB'd, only 3D Land did which was a budget 3D Mario

Does this look like NSMB or soulless to you

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3D World. The new DK games don't have a run button.

>The new DK games don't have a run button.
Yes they do. I just checked just in case I was misremembering. It's the same button you use to grab a barrel or climb a surface.

They do if you're using D Pad controls, analog stick controls have you run automatically and control like a 3d game, you can actually walk if you just slightly tilt the analog stick