Im starting to believe it bros, it literally got everything about steve and min min correct and got everything about monster hunter rise, mario 3d all-stars, and mario kart correct.
which one?
yeah, I didn't really expect it to get steve
What leak fag
you can find it on the deep web
the fact it literally got all mii costumes right too is amazing.
It even got small battlefield for fuck's sake.
what leak, faggotron?
so your just going to pretend their was a leak to farm (you)'s but not actually post proof
>guys I have a Nintendo leak
>under there
That reddit dude? Yeah he’s legit.
I’m pretty shocked in the character choices, I can’t believe they actually got him into Smash.
>he doesn't post it
Yeah, you know a leak's legit if it reached small battlefield for goodness sake
post the rest pls
Post the entire thing faggot. jfc what a low-tier thread.
Pretty please?
Superleaker is just coattailing off the Anakin leaker who's gotten literally everything right to an uncanny level
ill get arrested
op is lying fag
>u can find it on dip web!11!
>yfw the super leak predicted Kirby Fighters 2 and the lucha hat
is this an RP
ITT: Trolls trolling trolls
Because there isn't one.
I didn't even believe in the grinch leak but this one is obviously real. I can't believe where it came from.
>yfw the super leak predicted that trump would contract covid 19, but also all the latest news on nintendo's upcoming games
>superleak predicted adam kovic would shove a dildo up his ass
wtf broooos
>superleak predicted intrumentality
who do we have to congratulate to get out of here
>yfw the super leak predicted me raping OP's mother
it did not