So what did we think of the Pikmin 3 Deluxe demo?

So what did we think of the Pikmin 3 Deluxe demo?

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So is pikmin 3 coming to switch then? Always wanted to play it but never wanted to buy a wii u

October 31st release date. There’s a demo out now

Is there a motion control option for aiming? Playing the first three games with the wiimote + nunchuk is amazing and I don't think I could go back.

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Played the original, i'm surprised how much got buffed out to really warrant bringing it to Switch.
Co-op is really interesting if not disorienting at first.
I don't know if I can defend the Olimar mission deal, though. Hoping the epilogue actually manages to be of substance. Let us see Character D or something.

There is a gyro option. Not the same, but you could give it a try in the demo.

its pikmin

Yeh? Is pointing the Pikmin really that much of a difference? I never had trouble with the joystick.

It's a trade off. You lose precise camera control (I think the C button snaps it behind you) but you can move and aim independently and you can whistle to pikmin from further away.

You would think that Hocotate would send a full on expedition instead of just Olimar and Louie..