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be strong wamen who need no mano

sois don't think that's why the NPC meme came up

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Shes just some faggots OC. The distinction between both Tawna's is mindblowing. Her face looks like Carmelita Fox's but like it got hit by a truck, she has no tail, her figure isn't synonymous with the proportions of the rest of the cast or even the enemies she fights in corresponding levels. A good portion of her dialogue is also monotone and poorly voiced and she even says "Kawaii" at one point. She has no actual personality outside of memes and tropes.

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They could have had Nina with that whole grappling shot mechanic, but you can't turn a gloomy goth loli with soft spot for furry animals into a tough and woke OC.

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Make a furry waifu to get new people interested in Sony Mario 4. The plan almost worked other than the fatal flaw that you don't actually need to buy or play games to beat off to their waifus.

This. Also how the fuck does coco identify her as tawna when she literally doesn't resemble their dimensions tawna at all?

That is literally karen hair what the fuck

>let's pander to furfags and unironically follow furry porn artist for "inspiration"


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looks like shit, no offense

I know. It’s ok

cookie-cutter mary sue character, boring as fuck personality
i still would

>sois don't think that's why the NPC meme came up
vos sois un gillipollas
sorry, coulnt help it

That Outback concept art was passed over for this also what is up with devs and their obsession with the hairstyle in pic seems every game has a character with that look.

It also doesn't help that simultaneously pandering to the SocJus crowd usually runs contradictory to attractive waifus, furry or not. Just nuTawna's design alone feels like a total mismatch in and of itself to me, nevermind to the original.

Is she magnetized to a wooden pole?

It was literally the art director's shitty fursona. They lied by propping her up as this amazing new character when in the actual game she's a boring nobody that the devs attempt to take the original Tawna's place at the end. Female Tropy should've finished the job and killed her off.

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shit man, i dunno, both kinda work for my pp so idgaf

>art director has multicolored mohawk
>this Tawna has a multicolored mohawk and wearing ugly clothes while inserting herslef into the main cast
So this game was made by those people who make those ugly pokemon OC's with weird hair and a pallet of half a dozen clashing neon colors.

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Its funny because FemTropy is the most interesting addition to the series and shes only seen towards the end. She actually did what so many villains could ever dream of achieving and they brush it aside.

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they were thinking mainly about huge cocks going up their buttholes, where they can go to molest young boys this weekend and the best way to kill themselves.

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I'm a furry but she looks fucking disgusting for some reason especially the hair
Why do always equate strong independent wamen with ugliness

She's fucking hot. What's the problem again?

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Why is Stevie Wonder posting on Zig Forums?

Her ass is a 9 but everything else is a 2.

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Almost anyone's ass can look like a nine in the right jeans.

If you do the falling over animation near a ledge with Tawna, from the side you'll see its an above average brapper.

Gave me a little chuckle. Thank you


Meh, someone will make a mod for classic hair for PC version as they did with Spyro

People are already making porn of the models so you may be right.

This is a Tawna thread, right? Or is it a Sonic thread?

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