Which metroidvanias have you been playing?

Which metroidvanias have you been playing?
Which is your favorite?
Is Castlevania good for you?

Does side-scrolling "exploration" make sense in the open world era?

Attached: bloodstained_miriam_commission_by_ragecndy_dbwuchr-fullview.jpg (1600x2400, 258.31K)

I want to play Miriam

>Which metroidvanias have you been playing?
i tried out the demos for vigil and blasphemous, they were pretty good.
>Which is your favorite?
Don't have one
>Is Castlevania good for you?

I want fuck Miriam

>Does side-scrolling "exploration" make sense in the open world era?
Symphony of the Night itself was just a few years before GTA 3. That's why it bombed, most gamers KNEW they should be expecting the same thing but in 3D, no less. Everything since then has just been portable and indie trash, the whole genre is a gimmicky joke, and the insane funding raised for Bloodstained was just an obscene waste of resources.

>Which metroidvanias have you been playing?
Last one was Ori 2, but that was a while ago
>Which is your favorite?
Hollow Knight
>Does side-scrolling "exploration" make sense in the open world era?
What does this mean? Metroidvanias have a specific type of exploration, that isn't affected by the "open world era". That's just how they're designed. It's like saying "does playing piano make sense in the EDM era?" - yes, people can listen to whatever they want.

>avoided Bloodstained because Zig Forums said it was trash
>buy it on sale
>it's actually really good; if it were a Castlevania game, I'd put it in second place after SotN
Someday, I'll learn to ignore Zig Forums, at least where woke trash isn't involved.

Shitstained is the most disappointing game I have ever played. Iga truly dropped the ball, he got millions yet he shat out this abomination called Shitstained. Miriam is extremely ugly. The setting is dumb and 100x weaker than Castlevania. The atmosphere is not there. The OST is not memorable like older Castlevania games. The 2.5D artstyle is vomit inducing.

Fuck Shitstained and Fuck Iga. He should go back on his knees, begging for Konami to work with him and make that Castlevania game he always dreamed about and have that be his last game before he retires, so his legacy ends on a good note, not on this Shitstained abomination.

Attached: AoS.jpg (850x1200, 235.86K)

>That's just how they're designed. It's like saying "does playing piano make sense in the EDM era?" - yes, people can listen to whatever they want.
Your "different strokes for different folks" and "everything's equal" ideas have no relevance to the real world.

To use your very own example to disprove you, the piano's supremacy and catalogue quality has been on the decline since the 1800s (at the very latest). So yes, the adoption of more expansive production software definitely accelerates the decline of the piano even more.

>Which metroidvanias have you been playing?
Nothing recently unfortunately
>Which is your favorite?
Honorable mention to Salt and Sanctuary but probably Castlevania Harmony of Despair
>Is Castlevania good for you?
Why wouldn't it be?
>Does side-scrolling "exploration" make sense in the open world era?
Do good games make sense in a shitty game era? Sure. Some people still like fun games instead of poor walking/climbing simulators.