What games did your parents play when they were kids? For them it was Colecovision

What games did your parents play when they were kids? For them it was Colecovision

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my mom played the sims. my dad didn't play games. they both like animal crossing now though.


Pong and Space Invaders cause I'm not a zoomer

Games werent invented when they were children...

my dad grew up in the 60's and 70's and mt mum in the '70s and 80's they were very social and popular back in the day and gaming wasn't very popular so they just played real-life I guess


My dad played on a Commodore 64, his favorite games were Ghost n' Goblins, Aztec Challenge, Desert Fox, and Dynamite Dan

Cinge zoomer

My dad collected corvettes and my mom fucked around.

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