Can you reccommend some racing/ high speed games?

Can you reccommend some racing/ high speed games?
doesnt have to be about cars i just wanna play something where going fast is the objective, on tracks or something, i wanna get into the genre
im on PC btw

Attached: initialD.jpg (720x540, 110.65K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Inertial Drift


GRIP is crazy cheap so im going for that first, ill keep scouring, thank you for the reccomendation user

Attached: cart so far.png (508x317, 45.96K)

Burnout Paradise
Forza Horizon 4

Grid 2.

Attached: RUNNING IN THE 90'S.webm (700x394, 2.51M)

No problem. Also try
>Race Driver GRID
It's my favorite, but it kept freezing after you quit, so I didn't put it here. Maybe you'll have better luck, so again try it, highly, HIGHLY recommended.

apparently its not on steam anymore, but that looks really comfy

is Race Driver GRID the same as just GRID? if so i can definitely try it out

Nope Race Driver GRID v1.3 came out in 2008 and had epic servers at that time, I met good people online. GRID is 2019 reboot.

BallisticNG is cheap and fast.