what are your thoughts on lesbian representation in videogames?
What are your thoughts on lesbian representation in videogames?
jewish propaganda
Great in japshit awful in western shit.
All games would be improved if the only characters in them were attractive females. If they were all lesbians, even better.
Pretty much this although I’ve never seen a good example in a Japanese game
The japs do it right because their aim is to do "something sexy".
The westerners/jews do it wrong because their aim is to do "marxist propaganda".
So all in all, it's a mixed bag.
imagine the smell
Not cute enough
Make them cute then we can talk.
Where did you find this? Show me more.
Western devs should be banned from producing it.
If you disagree with this you are either a homo or a male feminist and thus should get the fuck of my board.
>the body of a 40 year old crack whore
Ha, what a fag. Pussy is pussy.
>The japs do it right because their aim is to do "something sexy".
>The westerners/jews do it wrong because their aim is to do "marxist propaganda".
yuri = good
dykes = bad
I found something even better
I have the same issue with it as I do in cartoons
Lesbians and lesbians everywhere, but not a single gay male MC to be found
Imagine being this homo, leave this thread
his only mistake was saying marxist instead of libtard
Gay? Me?
I didn’t mind it at all
Elly being a lesbian didn’t really bother me as much as I thought it would because Elly was perfectly normal.
My only problem is how weak of a character Dina is.
It's a cheap way to show off being progressive for social media brownie points because it is the least offensive non heterosexual pairing.
I ain't gay
i genuinely, literally, unironically, objectively, sincerely, factually and decisively don't care
No one asked you.
Lesbians aren't real. Every instance is one of the following
>fuck you, dad
>being ugly and coping with the lack of male attention by pretending they don't care
heh. Sorry Neil. Women biologically prefer dicks. Why do you think dildos look like penises NAUGHTY DOG
dina is fine imo but the whole farm scene with that toddler almost ruined the game for me, I understand they needed a reason for ellie to stay loyal to dina, but it felt unnecessary
I didn't want to see ellie as a parent so early, save that for part 3 instead
Dina leaving Ellie was fucking retarded. IF she really cared for Ellie she would have waited patiently but shes a jew.
once again FPBP
you've ruined this thread with the overexposure, well done pal
Wish they were hotter.
white women fuck naughty dogs
I don't give a fuck what you think. I'm going to go bust a fat nut.
Are you trying to one-up each other in how progressive you are? Fuck off, please.
>Every female in TLoU2 looks like a globin.
Color me surprised.