Game has top tier character creation

>Game has top tier character creation

examples of this?

Attached: orthognatic.png (593x379, 341.19K)

left: pol
right: leftypol

>Game has top tier character creation
>Default character looks like shit
>Have to waste time messing with the character creator
>Be self-conscious about your character the whole playthrough

She's cute, but will her kids look like the left?

>left: niggers who bring up politics in every

>>left: niggers who bring up politics in every

Attached: 92EC70E1-0C73-42D5-A714-570BE375F61D.jpg (1080x926, 72.8K)

Sure thing chud

Attached: 1602267422459.jpg (879x755, 219.32K)

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 69.79K)

chins on Zig Forums are inherently political and you'd be naive to think otherwise

are you dyslexic?