Do video games have any effect on real world violence, either positive or negative?

Do video games have any effect on real world violence, either positive or negative?

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How did this gain so much traction?

If the media we consumed had no effect on us, we wouldn't consume it

There is not a soul on this earth who has taken a life who otherwise wouldn't have if they didn't play video games. None. Even when they tried to pin video games on Anders Breivik (he claimed he used them for "training", his entire motive was some nationalist faggotry that would have happened regardless. The correlation is water-thin and relies on extremely dishonest arguments to hold water.

Totally. It is commonly reported that it hurts real women's self esteem, causes depression, eating disorders and a host of other mental illnesses in young women, trying to live up to unrealistic body standards. It also perpetuates rape culture that men see women as objects which is dehumanizing to them.


What if said video game is an MMO, and you meet people who literally change your life?

Men of course, just need to lower their standards.

Zig Forums crossposters.

But shark hololive isn't vidya. How can he be playing her?

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To what?

>The correlation is water-thin and relies on extremely dishonest arguments to hold water.
There have been multiple studies that showed a significant correlation between violent behaviour and playing violent video games.
The only disingenious thing here is how gamers are extremely quick to dismiss these arguments to preserve their plattform.

what videogames do they played during world war 1 and 2?

is the cunny power

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Eekum vs Bokum

Holy shit the kid's based.

The only people who are affected by video games enough to cause violence were already mentally ill and too weak to not be affected by any media source.

Mein Kraft

Yes; videogames desensitize people to violence and allow them to commit terrible acts of violence and murder.

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UUOOOHHH is more /jp/ than Zig Forums

It's fun and post-ironic.

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Ya it stops me from becoming a murderer.

And that's because violent media attracts those kinds of people, they don't make them.
They are magnets, not factories.

I didn't realize people like Jack the Ripper, Charles Manson, etc. all played violent video games. Thanks for opening my eyes enlightened friend.


This is only a problem in America due to its lack of mental care.
If it was the media itself, everyone would be affected, but it's only mentally unstable individuals that show changes in behaviors and spikes in aggressiveness

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>Extreme violence is my counterpoint
Nice dude, I remember being 12.


Peopl who has half information of a subject wants to debate people who know nothing of a subject

riveting discussion is gonna come out in this thread

Whatever trannies are try to pass for

I fucking love thoughtcrimes too!

>And that's because violent media attracts those kinds of people, they don't make them.
We don't know that. If I had a button that said "Destroy all violent video games and magically prevent them from existing again", I'd do it in a heartbeat. There is a possibility, however small, that you are right, but why take the risk?

Guess again:

>Contrary to expectations, results from the current study did not find that sexualization increased body dissatisfaction or aggression toward other women. Media influences from video games appear to be minimal.

>Results indicated that exposure to a sexualized avatar in a video game did not influence any outcomes for female participants. These results indicate that, at least for video games, exposure to sexualized females may not have a substantial impact on female players.

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Literally a fucking twitter screencap



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yeah I miss the times before videogames were invented when no one ever hurt anyone ever

Just say you like children, chuds.

It embodies raw emotion of all the men who desire little girls.
I just want to have a qtpie little girl whose head to pat, whose belly to rub, and who to hold close to me and hug. Is that too much to ask?

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You sound like the type of person who's pretty quick to pass the buck. Next you'll tell me that guns kill people, instead of people kill people.

how the fuck is saying serial killers didnt need videogames to become one a strawman argument?

Imagine being this paranoid.


I bet you think about being 12 a lot, pedo.

what is a chud

I know this is bait, but it is fucking unreal how many young women try to point the finger at "unrealistic body standards". Just put the fucking fork down - if there's women in their 40's and early 50's that have way better bodies than you do at late teen/early 20's, you're obviously doing something wrong. It's not unrealistic - you just don't have any discipline.

Pedophiles, basically. People will tell you otherwise but they are liars and Australians.

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What can we do to get vtubers banned, Zig Forums? They're dangerous.


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violent video games are usually just an amplifying factor for violent behaviour, not the cause for it. I obviously can't swing my magic wand to eradicate all video games, but the world would most definitely be better off without them.

I see the hammerhead wants to be the only shark in these waters.

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You can't prove that though.

Didn't Brittany sleep in a hoarder house filled with cat shit?

Not talk about them. Ignore on sight. Let them fade into obscurity. Or get them to talk shit about China more. If they all do it, they'll all have to fuck off.

I'd still hit it though

Venti's Tweets read like bad bait that I see here every day.

I already have proof on my side. If your point is that my proof isn't a 100% unfalsifiable, then I admit, I am solely operating through probabilities.

go the fuck back, resetera pedo

Nah, most violent individuals have genetic predisposition and childhood traumas. Violence in media may create a false sense of violence toleration, but is more of a passive thing, active violent people only by what I wrote.

>If they all do it, they'll all have to fuck off.
the EN ones can do it without repercussions.

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