Best games about cults?

Best games about cults?

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why is this such a mutt phenomenon? it seems like all the batshit crazy cults by people like jim jones or mormons and whatnot originate from the US.
are mutts just that scientifically-illiterate? it's no wonder so many of them are diehard christcucks who unironically think evolution is a myth too

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cultist simulator

Japan had cults gas the subway

cults are huge all over east and southeast asia, they're ingrained in the urban landscape. they've got storefronts and shit


Te and Do are my father, earthlings.

Second Cultist Simulator, that game is great.

>being this obsessed and insecure
there are are cults all over the world, American ones are just more well known since the country itself is more relevant than wherever you hail from

It's just because religiotards in Europe are mostly concentrated in huge pedophilic NWO gangs like catholic church or its orthodox knockoff.

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