Mouse and keyboard vs controller

Games where auto-aim is unnaceptable. Pic very much related

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Games in general would be way better if everyone was used to driving manual and cars didn't just become automatic gokarts in every video game.

What is the more risky, but ultimately far higher performing controller with the highest skill floor and ceiling?

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Why do americans drive automatics? Why are they like this?

manual fag here. I wish I could get a automatic instead and completely zone out from driving

Automatic is objectively better in high traffic metropolitan shit holes where you "drive" (get stuck for half an hour on traffic). Automatic is also better for shitty econoboxes that will never be fun no matter how you drive them.

because traffic is way more prominent in the states, and driving manual in bumper to bumper traffic is the worst shit ever.

fat stupid people incapable of using a gearstick.

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Please keep your obsession in Zig Forums

why would any normal person drive manual these days? it makes driving a complete chore, especially during heavy traffic and up hills.

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