>"This world is a prison"
>"And I will set us all free."
There are people who unironically think shes the bad guy. How retarded can you get to not realize that she knows something nobody else does. Shes going to become this dark messiah anti hero figure by the end of shadowlands, watch.
"This world is a prison"
What a stunning and brave take user, as if no one else has been saying the exact same thing for months now. Everyone knows that’s whats going to happen.
Danuser is going to jerk off yet again?
>people have been saying this exact thing for months now
no they haven't, alliance cucks think shes going to be garrosh 2.0
literally everyone paying the slightest bit of attention realizes she's pulling some shitty scheme that will be arguably heroic and kerrigan 2.0 herself just like we all predicted every single plot point of BFA in advance
>implying this isn't her waifufag writer trying his damndest to keep her in the story as long as he can because she's guaranteed to go to superhell at this point
can't wait to see them asspull a way for her to survive this one
>and kerrigan 2.0
Blizzard would not be this dumb. Legacy of the Void's story was trashed
>Blizzard would not be this dumb
to expand on my point, sylvanas doesn't suck because she's evil, she sucks because the writing fucking sucks. literally every plot point presented to the players has been shitty plot twist to shitty plot twist since WoD. something shocking happens, they drop a red herring, OH NO ACTUALLY PREDICTABLE PLOT TWIST HAPPENED INSTEAD. everything that contradicts the story or unexplained contradiction is just glossed over or retconned. it's all just servicing to repeat the same shitty narratives over and over because blizzard is no longer capable of writing something new. GASP we have to fight the orcs of the past uncorrupted, GASP they drink the blood anyway. GASP illidan is the chosen one, GASP he kills the naaru and we reiterate the point of wc3. GASP the horde is being led to commit atrocities by a bad warchief, GASP they overthrow them again because we're a family y'all again. GASP jaina is going to rampage against the horde, GASP she bonds with thrall and learns that Orcs Are People, Again. blizzard's writing is just recycled plot points over and over that sniffs its own farts and only serves to make the epic champion of the universe play Stabymcshit use his 4 button rotation on the loot pinata for the 5034085th time
i recall people saying blizzard would not be so dumb as to recycle siege of orgrimmar and here we are
they're going to pull an arthas/illidan where every terrible thing she did is retroactively justified as the greater good
She opened the floodgates for the most pozed Wow expansion...she deserve the gás chamber
we know that objectively speaking she did way more wrong than Garrosh
unfortunately, due to the sylvanasboner the writers have she'll get away with everything
>>"This world is a prison"
>>"And I will set us all free."
You know there's another elf, or rather an entire elven faction with thoughts along those lines. The Thalmor from Skyrim.
and at least Bethesda had toe common decently to let us mutilate their corpses
Has the whole "giant sword stuck in a planet" thing been fixed yet?
>"muh world is a prison"
I'm glad I have you to make that decision for me and all the other random farmers and NPCs trying to live their lives, crazy shadow banshee "definitely not trying to avoid death at any cost" undead elf woman
Because she has been, there was literally allusions to it in the fucking story when you're preparing to siege Orgrimmar yet again.
Yeah but is is only a prison for the Elves. So all Humans will get fucked.
The Shadowlands are not how death is supposed to work in Warcraft is my guess. The various Convenants are just harvesting souls for Anima, keeping them in an endless cycle. The Jailer is the OG ruler of the realm of death.
t.13 year old alliance players
this and isn't it speculation on thalmor's part?
Is it worth jumping into WoW for the first time ever in 2020? Not really interested in classic since it obviously has no nostalgia factor to me. I'm mainly curious about how the storyline would work for new players. Are all of the quests/lore that were present in the beginning still there? Or will I be confused since all the questlines will only be available from their mindway point or somethig?
Hard to answer right now because the entire leveling experience is getting completely revamped in shadowlands, and since Blizzard is completely incompetent there's going to be loads of issues with it.
Right now I'd say it's worth experiencing if it's your first time.
post yfw you refunded shadowlands
imagine pre-ordering a blizzard product in the first place
>Shes going to become this dark messiah anti hero figure by the end of shadowlands, watch.
everyone with even half a braincell knows this user
Because WoW is played by majority of brain dead people who can't put 2 and 2 together.
It's fucking hilarious people still think Sylvanas will die or become evil & final raid boss. Hilarious.
Blizzard even gave us the option to side with her last expansion and she could've easily stepped on Bolvar's head and killed him right there and then. She didn't. She knows Shadowlands is getting buttfucked and literally opened a portal so we can go and help her in there.
Sylvanas is probably the smartest character in Warcraft, which is not saying much considering how dumb and retarded everyone is, but still. She has a plan and she wouldn't wage war on both factions for no reason. She wouldn't just open a portal and let you in to Shadowlands and leave the JAILOR of the DAMNED (Bolvar) alive.
They really should have never revolved the story around major wc3 characters. Not only does it force them to make the whole game into some high school drama that doesn't impact the player at all but it also forces them to not make new/lesser known characters do something actually interesting. They just look through the popular main wc3 characters and think "how can we fuck up this character" but it has to be BIGGER AND BETTERER this time.