Coworkers start judging your video game preferences

>Coworkers start judging your video game preferences

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>sharing anything VideoGame related with your coworkers.

>caring what others think
You do you, man.


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Normies won't accept you if your not playing what everyone else is playing

>be me
>join military
>get PC while training for job
>drill sergeant does room inspection
>sees my build and asks what GPU that is
>tell him GTX 1060
>says it’s shit and says get a better one
>ask me what my favorite vidya is
>tell him Halo 3
>makes me do push-ups for my PC being shit and not saying Halo 2 was the best in the series
tfw your boss unleashes his true power level at you

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>Farmers start judging your grooming preferences

>Imagine talking to your coworkers about non work related stuff.

>get PC while training for job
>drill sergeant does room inspection
i assume this was ait and you were already phase v
either that or basic training went lenient af

>op judges coworkers

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