Guess the game
Attached: 18F0D5EA-0667-4765-87A4-364E7076FF97.jpg (877x1000, 198.4K)
Since OP is a fucking NIGGER here you have the webpage where you get the simpsons captures:
Thanks I didn’t know
Attached: 09BF17FF-5ADC-4902-8ED7-BB086F7452F1.jpg (356x252, 28.79K)
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Attached: 1516460675363.png (742x568, 789.43K)
No clue, but who the fuck is that thing between bender and hank?
When did you stop watching Simpsons Zig Forums?
Attached: 545.png (1200x699, 244.75K)
Attached: 1533887552636.jpg (1280x1920, 194.93K)
>not knowing the PJs
Spotted the zooomer
Attached: 12538628_1125x1500.jpg (1125x1500, 409.4K)
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Attached: sne.png (1304x954, 2.33M)
Spongebob battle of bikini bottom?
Attached: 1516463030365.jpg (1290x3359, 587.64K)
Attached: tranny game.png (3264x3264, 2.69M)
Attached: 1516470931859.png (1080x1215, 1.58M)
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Attached: tried my best.png (1270x919, 1.5M)
Attached: 1516833441615.png (499x550, 309.58K)
Five episodes into the 11th season
Holy crap Lois! we're in a Simpsons thread!
Attached: fm.png (983x692, 934.78K)
Just about all of the pictures that come up have nothing to do with what I type.